Ross, Martha
This thesis contributes to a growing literature that explores relationships between social networks and innovation diffusion within a developing country context. Given this context, the networks of interest within this thesis are the offline interpersonal relationships between community members. Diffusion channels for new innovation are therefore l...
de Kort, D.W.
In order to understand food product functionality such as elastic and flow behavior and mass transport properties, one first has to understand the multi-length-scale structure of the material. The aim of this work is to explore novel methodologies to study and characterize multi-length-scale structures of food hydrogels under static and dynamic condi...
Kolfschoten, R.C.
Microfluidic devices make precisely controlled processing of substances possible on a microliter level. The advantage is that, due to the small sizes, the driving forces for mass and heat transfer are high. The surface to volume ratios are also high, which can benefit many surface oriented processes. In addition, because of their small volumes, mic...
Vries, D.
Different procedures with respect to estimation and prediction of systems characterized by convection, diffusion and reactions on the basis of point measurement data, have been studied. Two applications of these convection-diffusion-reaction (CDR) systems have been used as a case study of the proposed estimation and prediction methods. One is a cli...
ten Pierick, E. Goddijn, S.T. Meeusen-van Onna, M.J.G.
In dit rapport wordt voor een aantal methoden, modellen en concepten uit de strategisch management-, diffusie- en sociale netwerkliteratuur verkend wat de toepassingsmogelijkheden zijn in het kader van transitiemonitoring. Daartoe wordt eerst uit de transitietheorie afgeleid welke aspecten in kaart moeten worden gebracht. Vervolgens wordt voor de v...
Stoffers, N.H.
Keywords:certified reference materials; diffusion; food contact materials; food packaging; laurolactam; migration modelling; nylon; specific migrationThis thesis compiles several research topics during a feasibility study for the certification of 6 reference materials for specific migration testing of food packaging materials. The overall results o...
Leistra, M.
Volatilisation of pesticides from the crop can be an important emission pathway to the environment. A computation module was developed for making estimates on this emission. However, various input data for this module are not measured directly in registration procedures, so they have to be estimated from theory or from a diversity of experimental d...
Hartholt, J.G. (author) Jager, Z. (author)
De projectgroep Koelwater van de Commissie Integraal Waterbeheer heeft als opdracht een nieuwe beoordelingssystematiek voor warmtelozingen op te stellen. Ter onderbouwing van de op te stellen systematiek is de studie Effecten van koelwater op het zoute aquatische milieu uitgevoerd tezamen met een effectenstudie voor de zoete wateren. Onder het zo...
Helmroth, I.E.
Keywords : migration, diffusion, additives, polymer, low density polyethylene, polymer swelling, Fick, stochastic modellingThe diffusion of small molecules from polymers into food is studied. A better understanding of this process is important for the development of mathematical models to predict migration from packaging plastics into food. To stud...
Kranenbarg, S.
All vertebrate embryos pass through a developmental period of remarkably low morphological variability. This period has been called phylotypic period. During the phylotypic period, organogenesis takes place, including blood vessel development. Before the phylotypic period, the embryos rely on diffusion for the internal oxygen transport. Diffusion, ...