Liu, Fengli Zhou, Xiaocheng Dong, Jinyuan Yan, Yucong Tian, Jiao Li, Jingchao Ouyang, Shupei He, Miao Liu, Kaiyi Yao, Bingyu
Published in
Frontiers in Earth Science
Introduction: Carbon dioxide emissions from non-volcanic areas are undervalued in the carbon cycle. Methods: First estimates of diffuse CO2 flux from the Anninghe—Zemuhe fault (AZF), Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China, which suggests this could equal 15% emissions from all volcanoes in China. Following the accumulation chamber method, CO2 flux was...
Hernández, Pedro A. Nogami, Kenji Padrón, Eleazar Somoza, Luis Amonte, Cecilia Mori, Toshiya Melián, Gladys V. Sumino, Hirochicka Kikawada, Yoshikazu Pérez, Nemesio M.
Published in
Frontiers in Earth Science
The gases dissolved in the waters of volcanic lakes can present a serious hazard if the physical-chemical conditions change due to variations in the supply of magmatic gases. The monitoring of gases such as CO2 and He help us understand the degassing process and their connection with magmatic/hydrothermal system. One of the most acidic volcanic lak...
Epiard, Matthieu Avard, Geoffroy de Moor, J. Maarten Martínez Cruz, María Barrantes Castillo, Gustav Bakkar, Henriette
Published in
Frontiers in Earth Science
Active volcanoes exhibit diffuse gas emanations through the ground, the most abundant species of which is CO2. However, the relationship between diffuse degassing and volcanic activity is not often clear and some volcanoes may have low diffuse degassing levels despite having strong volcanic activity. The main goals of this study are to quantify dif...
Finizola, Anthony
Ma thématique d’étude est axée sur les systèmes hydrothermaux. Elle se scinde en 2 grandes parties :* (1) une approche « spatiale » sur les informations structurales associées aux circulations de fluides dans les édifices volcaniques et* (2) une approche « temporelle » sur la dynamique des systèmes hydrothermaux.(1) L’originalité de l’étude structu...
Jolie, Egbert
Fluidführende Kluft- und Störungszonen sind wichtige Zielbereiche bei geothermischen Explorationsvorhaben. Innerhalb komplexer Kluftsysteme ist es jedoch nach wie vor schwierig, Permeabilitätsanisotropien zu erkennen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden methodische Ansätze entwickelt, die das strukturgeologische Muster von potentiellen Wegsamkeite...
Padilla, Germán D. Hernández, Pedro A. Pérez, Nemesio M. Pereda, Ernesto Padrón, Eleazar Melián, Gladys Barrancos, José Rodríguez, Fátima Dionis, Samara Calvo, David
Published in
Pure and Applied Geophysics
Anomalous changes in the diffuse emission of carbon dioxide within the Masaya caldera have been observed before two seismic events that occurred at 10 and 30 km from the observation site. Their epicenters are located, respectively, south of Managua in Las Colinas (4.3 magnitude) and the Xiloa caldera (3.6 magnitude), in 2002 and 2003, recorded by t...
Padrón, Eleazar Melián, Gladys Marrero, Rayco Nolasco, Dácil Barrancos, José Padilla, Germán Hernández, Pedro A. Pérez, Nemesio M.
Published in
Pure and Applied Geophysics
Significant changes in the diffuse emission of carbon dioxide were recorded in a geochemical station located at El Hierro, Canary Islands, before the occurrence of several seismic events during 2004. Two precursory CO2 efflux increases started thirteen and nine days before two seismic events of magnitude 2.3 and 1.7, which took place near El Hierro...
Hernández, Pedro A. Notsu, Kenji Okada, Hiromu Mori, Toshiya Sato, Masanori Barahona, Francisco Pérez, Nemesio M.
Published in
pure and applied geophysics
Two soil CO2 efflux surveys were carried out in September 1999 and June 2002 to study the spatial distribution of diffuse CO2 degassing and estimate the total CO2 output from Showa-Shinzan volcanic dome, Japan. Seventy-six and 81 measurements of CO2 efflux were performed in 1999 and 2002, respectively, covering most of Showa-Shinzan volcano. Soil C...
Pérez, Nemesio M. Hernández, Pedro A. Padrón, Eleazar Cartagena, Rafael Olmos, Rodolfo Barahona, Francisco Melián, Gladys Salazar, Pedro López, Dina L.
Published in
pure and applied geophysics
On January 16, 2002, short-term unrest occurred at San Miguel volcano. A gas-and-steamash plume rose a few hundred meters above the summit crater. An anomalous microseismicity pattern, about 75 events between 7:30 and 10:30 hours, was also observed. Continuous monitoring of CO2 efflux on the volcano started on November 24, 2001, in the attempt to p...
Finizola, Anthony
Etude de systèmes hydrothermaux de volcans actifs : Misti (Pérou) et Stromboli (Italie) ; Approches géophysiques et géochimiques. Ce mémoire présente une nouvelle méthodologie d'étude des systèmes hydrothermaux appliquée aux volcans Misti (Pérou) et Stromboli (Italie), par couplage de méthodes géophysiques (Polarisation Spontanée : PS) associées au...