Welke mogelijkheden zijn er in Nederland om meer diervoeders te produceren? : Verkenning van de mogelijkheden tot het ve...
Upon extraction of proteins from sugar beet leaves (Beta vulgaris L.) and oarweed (Laminaria digitata) for animal food and feed purposes, endogenous phenolics and proteins can interact with each other, which might affect the protein’s applicability. Sugar beet leaf proteins might become covalently modified by phenolics through polyphenol oxidase (P...
De KringloopToets beoogt nutriëntenstromen in beeld te brengen. In beleidsstukken wordt het sluiten van kringlopen op de schaal van Noordwest-Europa regelmatig genoemd; vaak zonder duidelijke afbakening van wat het sluiten van kringlopen betekent. Provincie Noord-Brabant, ZLTO en BMF hebben samen met Wageningen Universiteit & Research een modelmati...
Potato has multiple benefits and thus can play a vital role in ensuring food security in Ethiopia. However, for diverse reasons, its productivity is low. The farming systems in Ethiopia in which potato is grown, are predominantly mixed farming systems. Most of the research in Ethiopia is focused on crop-specific constraints and thus there is limite...
The objective of this study was to perform a short literature survey to provide information about purifying manure effluents with duckweed with regard to varieties, cultivation, harvesting methods, utilization and valorisation of duckweed. The results of the study show that duckweed can be used to recuperate nutrients from manure effluents and that...
Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van een inventarisatie van de monitoring die door de diervoedersector wordt uitgevoerd wat betreft de veiligheid van diervoedergrondstoffen en diervoeders. De inventarisatie betreft de aard en omvang van de monitoring en heeft zich gericht op ongewenste stoffen (Richtlijn 2002/32/EG), GGO’s (Verordening (EG) 182...
Abstract This thesis contributes insights on how condensed tannins might mediate the interactions between woody plants and large herbivores in the African savannas. Current understanding in this regard is still based on data from short-term laboratory experiments, mostly with confined animals and a few correlative field studies that only explore re...