“May I reach a place where I can never see the mountain of defilement” The aim of this study is to investigate how different aspects of gender are actualized in Euripides’ play The Bacchae (405 BC). Specifically, it examines how hegemonic masculinity and gender systems are constructed. Furthermore, the purpose is to create an understanding of how i...
Att implementera kontroversiella ämnen i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning är fruktbart, men innebär samtidigt ett orosmoln som får lärare att undvika sådan typ av undervisning. Givet de krav som ställs på läraren i undervisningssammanhang där stötande skönlitterära motiv behandlas, uppdagas ett behov av att samla mer kunskap kring ifrågavaran...
John Ajvide Lindqvist is one of Sweden’s most prominent authors of horror fiction. Despite the fact that his texts appear in a number of learning materials and didactic contexts, research is limited when it comes to how his texts can be used in teaching. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of how Lindqvist's novel Li...
This thesis aims to discuss how we should understand concepts such as humanism and posthumanism through readings of Kerstin Ekman’s Hunden (1986) and Löpa varg (2021). In particular it explores the concepts in relation to the core values such as ”respecting the environment” and ”western humanism” that features in the Swedish curriculum. I do so by ...
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att få fördjupad kunskap om karaktärerna i Pippi Långstrump och Handbok för superhjältar del 1: Handboken ur ett genusperspektiv och att undersöka böckernas didaktiska potential med koppling till dagens läroplan. Detta görs genom en komparativ text- och bildanalys av de två verken. Analysen visar att det finns likh...
The aim of this study is to investigate the educational potential of the Swedish translation of Agustina Bazterrica’s dystopian novel Cadáver exquisito (2017), and how the novel can be related to the Swedish upper secondary school’s steering documents—more specifically what they present regarding ethical and environmental issues. The novel is analy...
The aim of this study is to analyse the didactic potential found in the novel Beartown (Backman, 2016) in relation to sex education as a part of literature studies in Swedish upper secondary school. Focusing on the three central terms of Swedish sex education, the study analyses the depiction of sexuality, consent, and relationships found within th...