Whittell, Jesslyn Clark
This dissertation investigates the historical and present relationship of didactic poetry to the political thought of radical communities. Poetry from the Romantic period to the present is often seen as the valence of lyric and personal registers of thought, and its political utility is typically equated with the extent to which it resists concreti...
Vanhoutte, Nina
Buisson, Georges
L’Hermès est sans doute le plus important mais aussi le plus mal connu des chantiers poétiques laissés par André Chénier. Ce vaste projet prévoyait de retracer l’histoire de l’esprit humain depuis l’apparition de la vie jusqu’aux ultimes progrès des connaissances. La présente note montre comment Chénier tire de l’examen des sens les éléments d’une ...
Chernyakhovskaya, Olga
Published in
In Theriaca 343–358, Nicander recounts a rather unusual myth. After Prometheus had stolen fire, Zeus was seeking the thief and, when men delivered Prometheus over to him, he gave them the gift of youth. Humans entrusted the ass to carry this load, but the ass was seized by thirst and sought the help of the snake, who demanded in return the thing he...
Séris, Émilie
A la Renaissance, les humanistes redécouvrent dans le texte les poèmes philosophiques grecs et le De natura rerum de Lucrèce. Deux questions déjà soulevées par les Anciens les passionnent : Homère est-il le premier philosophe ? Empédocle est-il philosophe ou poète ? Par exemple, le Florentin Ange Politien, qui consacre dans les années 1480 ses cour...
Vanhoutte, Nina
In this article I explore what makes Byzantine didactic poetry such a unique category of texts worthy of more research. Set against the relevant historical and socio-cultural context of the 11th century, I analyse an unpublished didactic poem of Niketas of Herakleia. In doing so, I am striving to create the first step towards the compilation of pri...
Medeiros, María de Fátima
The engravings of the engraver Romão Eloy de Almeida in the Portuguese edition of the book of poems The Plants of Ricardo de Castel are significatives as instruments for the propagation of the values defended by Luso-Brazilian intellectuals at the late eighteenth century. The book of poems was printed in Oficina Arco do Cego and is part of the set ...
García Calderón, Angeles
The present paper deals with the relevance of the poem The Season by James Thomson, which became the model of all descriptive poetry of Nature since its publication in 1730. It spread its influence across Europe, especially in France, where the poem was imitated three decades after its first publication and its translation by Saint-Lambert became a...
García Calderón, Angeles
The present paper highlights the relevance of the poem The Season by James Thomson which after its publication in 1730 became the model for all descriptive poetry of Nature, spreading out its influence throughout Europe. This is especially true of France, where the poem had already been imitated three decades after its first publication and the tra...
Wanlin, Nicolas
Entre 1789 et le milieu du XIXe siècle, le genre de la poésie didactique fleurit. Il s’agit de mettre en vers les savoirs et de réaliser ainsi une conjonction idéale des Lettres et des sciences. Cette poésie représente alors, dans un esprit académique, une caution spirituelle et morale pour une science suspecte de matérialisme. Toutefois, cette pra...