Jayasundara, Sineka
Girls’ education is one of the main attributes that contribute to the development of a nation and society. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the girls’ education is discursively constructed by the development agencies promoting girls’ education. Furthermore, the thesis also aims to explore how these discourses reflect the concepts of...
Arrillaga Márquez, Pablo Etxezarreta Etxarri, Enekoitz Bengoetxea Alkorta, Aitor
Gaurkotasunak dakarren erronka eko-sozialei aurre egiteko, estrategia berritzaileak beharrezkoak dira erregioak, eskualdeak, udalerriak etab. bezalako Estatuz azpiko eremuetan aplikatzeko. Ekonomia Sozial eta Solidarioak erronka horiek gainditzeko duen potentzialtasuna aintzat hartuta, artikulu honen bitartez jakin nahi da nola eta noraino txertatu...
Puleo Fernández, Gerardo Sigala Paparella, Luis Eduardo
Because they are efficient instruments for implementing territorial development policies, development and innovation agencies have attracted the attention of governments and multilateral organizations, which study, create and promote them, hence the diversity of research aimed at systematizing their characteristics and management models. There are ...
research, on cgiar
The research has been extensively cited. Donors have recognized how the methodology can be used to guide their own strategies and approaches. Efforts are now focused on equipping governments and development agencies with accurate, updated metrics to monitor diet costs and affordability to inform agricultural and food systems interventions.
program livestock, on cgiar research
ICARDA, IUCN, and NARS in Tunisia have developed an SRM toolkit that addresses the root causes of rangeland degradation. The tried-and-tested toolkit has been adopted by national and international development agencies in Tunisia. Its use is highly appreciated by pastoral communities due to its flexibility to adjust grazing strategies, taking into a...
research, on cgiar
A4NH research on the affordability of nutritious foods and diets has led to to recommendations on how countries can better utilize agriculture to improve nutrition and has started to influence donors looking to make key changes to the global food system. IN addition, efforts have increased the capacity of governments and development agencies to use...
platform, cgiar gender
The methodology was used in a qualitative study on stocktaking of gender-responsiveness measures by governments and development agencies in Ethiopia, Senegal and Zambia. Its findings informed discussions during a policy dialogue on 16 November 2021, development of 3 country reports, 3 policy briefs, a video and an overview report.
program livestock, on cgiar research
The process has been implemented and the outcome documented, thus available for use. The next users are development agencies and government authorities looking for ways to progress towards gender and social equity goals, as well as public and private organisations working on animal health to adopt a gender equity lens.
Alam, Mohammad Faiz Sikka, Alok Kumar Verma, Shilp Adhikari, Dipika Sudharshan, M. Santhosh, Harikrishnan
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change...
Index-based flood insurance (IBFI), relying on advanced modeling with the use of satellite data, speeded payouts to more than 11,000 flood-affected farm households, benefitting indirectly another 100,000 farmers, who learned from participating neighbors through a crowdsourcing approach.