Londoño De Vivero, Daniel Eduardo
For more than 25 years, leniency programs around the world have been important tools for competition authorities to detect, break up, and impose fines over agents being part of anticompetitive agreements. The Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Colombia have leniency programs, whose main purposes are strengthening the free competition culture and ...
Villalobos Alcocer, Luis Aníbal Del Salto Pazmiño, Wilson Napoleón
The rights of workers are considered inalienable, there are fundamental aspects that in accordance with the current Constitution penalize harmful practices for workers, however, labor simulation despite being an evident act in this legislation, is not typified. This article presents a synthesis of the constitutive elements of the labor relationship...
Esborraz, David F.
From the perspective of comparative law, this article analyzes how much the new Code Civil of Puerto Rico contributes to the development and consolidation of the Romanistic legal system, reaffirming its roots in Roman law. Additionally, it evaluates how the Code adapts to the new paradigms of private law in the early 21st century and aligns itself ...
de Wolf, Daniel Eggermont, Frederic Timbermont, Evelien
The exploration of disciplinary law and proceedings reveals a complex nature, marked by uncertainties related to the application of essential guarantees and challenges, such as the right to remain silent and the non bis in ídem principle. The evolving case law in Belgium on petitioner conduct during administrative appeals, which extends beyond disc...
Vivas-Barrera, Tania Giovanna
Resumen: El debate constitucional sobre el reconocimiento del derecho innominado al aborto y la disminución ponderada del derecho a la vida del nasciturus parece no menguar con el paso del tiempo tras décadas de fallos históricos. Tras quince años de la icónica sentencia de la Corte Constitucional colombiana, la cuestión se ha reabierto con nuevas ...
Holl, Iris
Published in
Lebende Sprachen
Due to the system-bound nature of the law, when a legal text rooted in a legal system A is translated to be received in a legal system B, the translator must deal with the challenges arising from the asymmetries between the legal systems involved. The purpose of this paper is to dive deeper into the nature of these asymmetries and its implications ...
Barcia Lehmann, Rodrigo Martínez-Cárdenas, Betty
Resumen El objeto de este artículo es comprender cuál es la naturaleza y las implicaciones de las políticas de transformación digital de las microempresas en la región latinoamericana, en particular, respecto de los casos de Colombia y Chile. En efecto, debido a la pandemia causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, que generó la enfermedad COVID-19 y las me...
Aguilar Gordón, Floralba del Rocío Chávez Sánchez, Jaime Eider Henostroza Aguedo, Daysi Isabel
The research is oriented towards the production of knowledge and is based on legal and ethical principles that ensure the study process and its relationship with the subjects analy-zed. For centuries, the mechanistic ideology affirmed that everything can be explained from experimentation, through trial-error (quantitative research); Subsequently, t...
Tobar Salazar, Sara Estrada Jaramillo, Lina Marcela
Abstract The article calls into question the social security rights acknowledged for Foster families in Colombia by reviewing the colombian courts jurisprudence. Because of the lack of regulation by the legislator, the Constitutional Court has proclaimed inhibitory constitutionality sentences, by considering itself impeded to enforce constitutional...
Sánchez Bravo, Martha Gamboa Vargas, Sabina Lorena
Assisted human reproduction is a set of medical techniques and procedures used to help people conceive a child. These techniques include in vitro fertilization (IVF), artificial insemination, and egg and sperm donation. In terms of legislation in developed countries, the regulation of assisted human reproduction varies widely. Some countries have v...