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with den Nya kvinnan as keyword
Bergström, Caroline
This thesis is a study of femininity and womanhood in two Swedish contemporary novels by Ulla Bjerne, Ingen mans kvinna (No Man’s Woman) from 1919 and Lilla Jälm (Young Jälm) from 1922. By comparing the novels, I study differences and similarities between the genres children’s literature and adult literature based on an analysis of the themes frien...
Hjelm Sandqvist, Carl
In this essay I analyse the constructions of gender in the series The Phantom by Lee Falk. I apply David Tjeders readings of the bourgouise masculinity, its sensitive character and great risk of falling into unmanliness, when discussing The Phantom’s masculine development. I have analysed three adventures of The Phantom from the years 1937, 1977 an...
Skoglund, Frida
This essay examines the Alberte triology, by the Norwegian writer Cora Sandel, from a gender/feminist perspective. Taking Yvonne Hirdman's theory about the gender system as a starting point I will show how the living conditions and the different roles of men and women are represented in the novel and how they are changing during the centuries befor...