Nilsson, Erica Cannon, Jennifer
The world faces a significant challenge regarding access to prosthetics for amputees. In 2017,it was estimated that there were nearly 58 million amputees worldwide, and this figure isexpected to double by 2050. Despite this, only a small fraction of them have access toprosthetics. The reasons for this inadequate access include high costs, lack of k...
Enç, Damlanur
The aim of this Thesis is to analyse Türkiye’s progress and setbacks withinits association process and quest for EU membership. By examining Chapter23 in annual reports released by the European Commission for the years2013, 2018 and 2023, the role of the EU as a democracy promoter isdiscussed and questioned. In order to do this, this Thesis basis i...
Rosén, Maria
The relationship between education and democracy has long attracted political interest. This thesis takes an interest in the political initiative to democratize education through legal means. This initiative is viewed as a wider national and global societal phenomenon. More precisely the thesis aims at developing knowledge on juridification as a pr...
Norberg Winberg, Mikael
Birka Folk High School, Jämtland County Folk High School, opened its doors in 1901 and welcomed its first students. As part of their studies, the students participated in discussions covering a wide range of issues. The purpose of this thesis has been to examine the views on citizenship expressed in discussions among students at Birka Folk High Sch...
Parak, Anders
The overall purpose of this paper is to investigate how the concept of democracy was used in Swedish parliamentary debates before the great franchise reform 1919-1921. To use conceptual history to study parliamentary debates is a relatively recent phenomenon and when it comes to Sweden it has mostly been about the period around and after the mentio...
Gustafsson, Jonas
Denna uppsats är en studie av den kvinnliga rösträttsrörelsen i början av 1900-talet. Innan kvinnor fick den fulla politiska rösträtten, fick de redan 1909 kommunal valbarhet, det vill säga att de kunde väljas till stadsfullmäktige. Jag har valt att följa rösträttskvinnorna i Falun och deras väg från utanförskap till rätten att få vara med att styr...
Frykler, Helene
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det civila samhället och den ekonomiska utvecklingen påverkar demokratistatusen i världen och urvalet är 136 länder. Jag har prövat om samhällets deltagande, aktiva intressegrupper och socialt kapital har ett samband med demokratistatusen i länderna. Jag har även prövat om ekonomisk styrka, socioekonomiska hin...
Petersson, Morgan
Det finns en omfattande forskning som undersöker om en stats styrelseskick, ofta mätt i graden av demokratisering, påverkar dess militära effektivitet och därmed möjligheterna att vinna mellanstatliga krig. Denna studie bidrar inom detta forskningsfält genom att undersöka om konsolidering av en stats styrelseskick påverkar sannolikheten för att vin...
Olsson, Jakob
The aim of this paper is to study the course of events that led up to the 2021 legislation which allows Russian president Vladimir Putin to continue his presidential term until 2036. Based on the theoretic framework of historic institutionalism, the paper uses path dependence as the tool of analysis for the study. Using said tool, the paper aims to...
Landström, Oskar
This study aims to investigate what effect membership in NATO has on the military of nondemocratic countries to add to the debate about whether the alliance has democratisingpotential. This is investigated by using a most-similar-systems design where the study investigates Spain and Portugal, the former having been democratised by a pacted transiti...