procházka, tomáš
Tato práce zkoumá aplikaci vícerozměrné lineární regrese v rámci bayesovského přístupu kombinovanou s odhadováním struktury, za účelem optimal- izace portfolia, pro predikci budoucích výnosů aktiv na finančních trzích. Přínosem této práce je zjišťování, zda představený postup spolu s odhadováním struktury přináší potenciální zlepšení v přesnosti př...
Šlapeta, Jan Vande Velde, Fiona Martínez-Valladares, María Canton, Candela Claerebout, Edwin Gilleard, John Stuart
Published in
Trends in parasitology
The management of parasitic nematodes calls for a shift from conventional, indiscriminate, anthelmintic use to a more precise approach, directed by diagnostics. We should accept those parasite infection intensities that have minimal impact on production and welfare rather than attempt to eliminate them. The diagnostic toolbox for gastrointestinal n...
Balconi, Michela Rovelli, Katia
Published in
Frontiers in Neuroscience
This study investigated the impact of the emotional valence of external situations (EVES) on cognitive performance and electrophysiological (EEG) responses during decision-making. 26 healthy adults underwent a modified version of the Trier social stress test, performing five interview-style discourses. Each discourse entailed preparing a speech und...
Kim, Jinhee Dannenberg, Andrew Haigh, Fiona Harris-Roxas, Ben
Published in
Public Health Reviews
Zeilinger, Florian
Published in
Historische Zeitschrift
Die diversen frühneuzeitlichen Fälle gewaltsamer (Raufhändel) und gerichtlicher Ehrverteidigung (Injurienprozesse) sowie der Ehrlichsprechung berufsbedingt unehrlicher oder devianzbedingt ehrloser Personen lassen sich mithilfe entscheidungstheoretischer Analysekategorien vergleichen und damit zusammenführen. Trotz geschlechterspezifisch unterschied...
Kondo, Hirohito M. Oba, Takeyuki Ezaki, Takahiro Kochiyama, Takanori Shimada, Yasuhiro Ohira, Hideki
Published in
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Background Decision-making under risk is a common challenge. It is known that risk-taking behavior varies between contexts of reward and punishment, yet the mechanisms underlying this asymmetry in risk sensitivity remain unclear. Methods This study used a monetary task to investigate neurochemical mechanisms and brain dynamics underpinning risk sen...
Hoy, Colin de Hemptinne, Coralie Wang, Sarah Harmer, Catherine Apps, Matthew Husain, Masud Starr, Philip Little, Simon
Choosing whether to exert effort to obtain rewards is fundamental to human motivated behavior. However, the neural dynamics underlying the evaluation of reward and effort in humans is poorly understood. Here, we report an exploratory investigation into this with chronic intracranial recordings from the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and basal ganglia (BG;...
Balthasar, Mandy
Published in
Human-computer interaction as a coordinating element between human and machine is used in many different ways. Due to their digital processes, countless industries are dependent on an effective intermeshing of humans and machines. This often involves preparatory work or sub-processes being carried out by machines, which humans initiate, take up, co...
Lausi, Giulia Cricenti, Clarissa Mari, Emanuela Burrai, Jessica Quaglieri, Alessandro Giannini, Anna Maria Barchielli, Benedetta
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Background The issue of gender-based violence has been a public health problem for years. Considering its systemic nature, the possible consequences at the individual level on the psychological and cognitive wellbeing of victims have been examined. The present research aims to explore the differences in the various types and forms of violence. Meth...
Sakamoto, Yoko Mitsuhashi, Toshiharu Hotta, Katsuyuki
Background: Although percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) placement is still widely practiced in Japan, studies from Western countries report that it is less beneficial for patients in end-of-life care with cognitive decline. Decisions regarding PEG placement are largely influenced by physician judgment.
Objectives: The aim of this study was t...