Ploycharoen, N Borisuit, A Suriyothin, P
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Work-from-home plays an important role in nowadays human’s working life due to changes in our behavior from Covid-19. According to Bangkokian’s office workers who usually accommodated in residential condominium, it becomes both home and office, they spend their typical office hours, such as 8AM to 5PM, working at home when daylight is available. Be...
Sora, Bianca (author)
This paper analyses the use of natural light as a design element in museums. While the design of natural light is important for all types of buildings, it takes additional layers of complexity in museum buildings and exhibition spaces. Due to the need to preserve the artwork, museums tend to become black boxes, with no interaction with the outside....
Hamilton, Thijs (author)
The museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam is currently closed for restoration. The architect Van der Steur made an extensive study of lighting in museum rooms (1930). This resulted in a pitched roof with glass and a layer of horizontal glass panes (legramen) that form the ceiling of the exhibition rooms. Below the glass panes timber blades (sc...
Kristl, Živa Fošner, Ajda Zbašnik-Senegačnik, Martina
Wyon, Axel
Bakgrund: Dagsljuset är en stor del av vår vardag, då det ger oss ljus och energi. Forskning visar att för lite tillgång till dagsljus kan påverka individen negativt. Studien har för avsikt att undersöka om det kan påverka operationssjuksköterskorna och patientsäkerheten.Syfte: Operationssjuksköterskors upplevelser av tillgång till dagsljus under a...
Österberg, Emelie Grendel, Oscar
Solens upp- och nedgång ger människan en naturlig variation av ljus och mörker. Dagsljuset är en naturlig informationsbärare av tid och är på så sätt ett stöd för människans dygnsrytm. På senare år har intresset för dagsljusets påverkan på oss människor blivit allt större då dagsljusets kvalitéer påverkar oss positivt såväl visuellt som icke-visuel...
Melo Souza, João Pedro Chaves Alberto, Klaus Andrade Barbosa, Sabrina
O poço de luz é um recurso arquitetônico utilizado para promover iluminação natural a partir do núcleo do edifício. Frequentemente, ele é projetado de acordo com um índice sem levar em consideração a influência de cada uma das variáveis arquitetônicas nos ganhos de iluminação natural. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo identificar e comparar a in...
Dervishaj, Arlind
Daylight, both outdoors and indoors, is essential for human well-being. However, daylight provision often faces challenges in various climates and locations, due to factors such as shortcomings in regulations, urban densification, deregulation or special exemptions, and the limitations of existing daylight and sunlight evaluation methods. To addres...
Dux, Noémi
With the transition from natural lighting to artificial lighting, humans tend to spendmore and more time in indoor environments. The increased time spent indoor has aneffect on humans’ health, mood, and performance. This study explores how artificiallight designed to imitate daylight can impact student’s alertness and comfort in anindoor environmen...
Višček, Vita
V diplomski nalogi sem analizirala svetlobno okolje v pisarniških prostorih poslovnega objekta podjetja Alva d.o.o. v okvirni velikosti 500 m2 . Analize sem izvedla z uporabo programa Rhinoceros in programskega vtičnika ClimateStudio. V programu sem izvedla tri analize in na osnovi pridobljenih rezultatov opravila primerjave z vrednostmi, ki so dol...