Barczewski, Maciej Sykuna, Sebastian
Published in
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze
States should establish in their legislations protective mechanisms which, on the one hand, guarantee the realisation of the rights of the majority and, on the other hand, ensure respect for the traditions, culture and customs of national and ethnic minorities. In Poland there are such guarantees that ensure that minorities can live in accordance w...
McNeill, Hinematau Naomi Linda Buckley, Hannah Marunui Iki Pouwhare, Robert
Published in
Before European contact, Māori disposed of the dead in environmentally sustainable ways. Revitalizing pre-colonial burial practices presents an opportunity for Māori to evaluate current practices and reconnect with their ancient tribal customs and practices. The research question asks: What is the decolonizing potential of urupā tautaiao (natural b...
Blary, Kevin
Résumé Résumé : Le surpoids et ses représentations ont souvent été étudiés au regard d’ exempla constitués autour de la non maîtrise des émotions si caractéristiques des mauvais empereurs. Cependant, une telle approche a tendance à omettre les transformations historiques de ces représentations. Si la nature des sources invite à la méfiance, cette é...
Gonis, Nikolaos
Published in
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
Edition of a customs receipt for the 3% tax, housed in the Bodleian Library.
Cantens, Thomas
The paper discusses the implications of General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in public administrations and the specific questions it raises compared to specialized and « numerical » AI, based on the example of Customs and the experience of the World Customs Organization in the field of AI and data strategy implementation in Member countries. At th...
Jean-Marie, Laurence
L’appellation « texte de coutumes » renvoie au terme « coutume », compris à la fois comme règle de droit et taxe. Ces textes sont des compilations permettant d’établir l’ensemble des droits d’un seigneur, constituant ainsi une mise à l’écrit mais reprenant également des données d’actes antérieurs. L’édition critique de ceux qui sont conservés pour ...
karabellová, eliška
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku týkající se přepravy nebezpečného zboží z České republiky do Spojených států amerických. Cílem této práce bylo vytvoření případové studie, která by se zabývala výše zmíněným přepravním procesem od samého naložení dané zásilky v areálu oslovené společnosti až po vykládku u daného příjemce včetně analý...
Kitak, Martina
Recuerda Burgos, Antonio
The ancient Ipolka-Obulco-Bolkuna-Porcuna, has been leaving a deep trace over the years that have covered with traditions, customs, festivals..., the life of the town. This town-city has always enjoyed many of them, both religious and secular. With due passage of time, some have been disappearing, although they have remained in the collective memor...
Marchan Rodríguez, Francis Yoel
Productive knowledge is an accumulation of practices, knowledge, values, and myths, which have been given to different generations, which within society have had to contribute to the progress of people, through the teachings of the experiences of our ancestors. in different areas such as: agricultural knowledge, culinary arts, oral traditions, arti...