Jo, Charmhun
Published in
This study explores the South Korean Deaf community's response to sign language interpreting during the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) health crisis, focusing on individual factors affecting the signers' comprehension. The data were collected from a mobile-based questionnaire survey conducted among 401 Deaf adults; binary probit modelling was ...
Bäck, Tilda Berglund, Love
Följande studie visar hur ZeroMission hanterar kriskommunikationen efter att ha blivit kritiserade för att ha brutit sitt hållbarhetslöfte. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en syftesdriven organisation hanterar kritik och sedan kommunicerar för att bevara förtroendet för deras hållbarhetsinitiativ. I studien tillämpas en kvalitativ innehålls...
Eriksson, Cornelia Persson, Emma
Medskapande har blivit en central del i och med framväxten av sociala medier, och ses som nyckeln till en framgångsrik marknadsföring av företag. Medskapande innebär att konsumenten tagit en ny roll i skapandet av företag och genom sitt bidrag tillför värde i flera steg. Konsumenten kan tillföra värde till företag när medieanvändare vi...
Fannes, Gijs Claeys, An-Sofie Van Gorp, Baldwin
This study employs a quantitative content analysis to investigate how reputation-restoring crisis responses (i.e., denial, diminishment, and apology) from organizations and public figures are verbalized. In addition, this study examines if distinct crisis response strategies are systematically associated with particular language categories (i.e., l...
Ralbovská, Rebeka Halaška, Jiří
AWHP 2024 - 14. ročník mezinárodní studentské vědecké konference s názvem Aspekty práce pomáhajících profesí. Letošní ročník, z kterého vznikl předložený sborník byl cíleně zaměřen na praktickou činnost příslušníků a zaměstnanců základních složek integrovaného záchranného systému. Dalšími tématy ve sborníku byla problematika ochrany obyvatelstva, o...
Smaliukienė, Rasa
This systematic review explores the concept of creativity in crisis communication, a widely used but poorly conceptualised phenomenon. It draws on empirical research and case studies to highlight the diversity of creative approaches during major crises such as natural disasters, health crises, or conflicts. The focus is particularly on situations w...
Snoj, Janez
Študija primera raziskuje krizno komuniciranje v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah med pandemijo covida-19. Teoretični del temelji na številnih teorijah kriznega komuniciranja in raziskuje ključne strategije, ki so pomembne za uspešno krizno komunikacijo. Poudarek je na teoriji situacijskega kriznega komuniciranja, ki poudarja, kako pomembni sta pri...
Simons, Gregory John
Published in
The European Parliament has stressed on numerous occasions in public documents and speeches its non-conditional support for the principles of democracy, the rule of law, good governance, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Yet as the pandemic has developed these principles have not been defended by various member states of the EU, be...
Fannes, Gijs Claeys, An-Sofie Van Gorp, Baldwin
status: Published online
choi, sunkyung liu, kexin hanaoka, shinya
There is a limited understanding on the information-seeking behavior of international tourists during disaster response scenarios due to the lack of empirical studies on crisis communication in Japan. This study clarifies the topics generated from both international tourists and official Twitter accounts by applying the embedding Bidirectional Enco...