Paulara, Paulara Pascual Cáceres, Daniela Taylor Muñoz, Elena
Restauradoras con Glitter (RcG), as a self-managed collective, from its beginnings understood the importance of protest as an engine of change, specifically, for the lives of women. In this collaboration we reflect on the criminalization of the protest of organized women and civil society that took place on August 16, 2019 in Mexico City. In view o...
Cruz Márquez, Beatriz
This article presents the main aspects related to crime and other crim-inalized acts, the people who break the law, the people affected as victims, the intervention of the institutions of social control and the application of sanctions and penalties in which the inclusion of a queer perspective is essential for a cor-rect understanding and analysis...
Pereira, Hugo
The development model of Latin American countries turns them into suppliers of raw materials for the international market, whose growing requirements promote the expansion of extractive activities on the rural territories in which peasant and indigenous communities settle. This integration into the world market generates socio-environmental conflic...
Meza Huacuja, Ivonne
Resumen El objetivo del presente artículo es revisar el papel de la prensa estadounidense como generadora y difusora de emociones hacia ciertos sujetos urbanos. Parto del presupuesto de que las emociones tienen un papel importante en la configuración de las identidades nacionales, locales y grupales (etarias, genéricas, raciales). Las normativas so...
Gómez García, Irazú
Resumen En el presente artículo identifico algunas de las limitantes que enfrentan las mujeres al decidir interrumpir un embarazo en Chiapas. Tomo como punto de partida el análisis de tres procedimientos jurídicos llevados a cabo entre las décadas de 1970 y 1990, por el delito de aborto en agravio de la sociedad, en la ciudad de San Cristóbal de La...
Mendieta Miranda, Maximiliano Barrios, Elías
This research examines the foundations of criminal prosecution and public oral trial by the Public Ministry against lawyer María Esther Roa based on non-compliance with obligations imposed by presidential decrees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the study delves into the reasoning of the Penal Sentence Tribunal that definitively dismisse...
Huerta Chimborazo, Lizbeth Dolores Macas Gutama, Cristian Ramón
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la criminalización a la que sometieron a los dirigentes indígenas e indígenas de la Organización Tukayta “Tukuy Cañar Ayllukunapa Tantanakuy” perteneciente de la Provincia, Parroquia y Cantón Cañar por ejercer sus derechos constitucionales con acciones en las protestas sociales convocadas por ...
Montoya Zamora, Raúl
The purpose of this paper is to critically reflect on the constitutional implications of the ruling issued by the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in the Action of Unconstitutionality 148/2017, initiated by the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, against some norms of the criminal legislation of the state of Coahuila, related t...
Llanos Hidalgo, Joffre
This study focuses on analyzing the relationship between law and social protest, specifically regarding the right to resistance and its positivism in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. It addresses the importance of understanding and understanding the legal provisions that regulate coexistence and the protection of human rights, including...
González Enríquez, Lucía Leonor
Resumen La urgencia por encontrar a las más de 100 mil personas desaparecidas en México ha impulsado a colectivos a desarrollar habilidades y conocimientos que posibilitan el hallazgo y a concebir acciones de resistencia al olvido y de llamamiento a hacer nuestra su búsqueda y demanda de justicia. En este texto subrayo que la desaparición también e...