Anderson, Ryan
This piece started from a brainstorm around the question: "What items did I hold on to in times of uncertainty?" For me, the answer was my basketball shoes. During the pandemic, playing basketball was my only remaining tie to the outside world. It helped me cope and continue to feel connected to the world that had all but disappeared. / https://dig...
Hervouet, Isabelle
À partir d’un exemple personnel (la mise en récit d’une vieille histoire de famille, reconstituée en partie grâce à des recherches d’état-civil), cet article se propose de montrer comment le travail académique a nourri l’écriture créative à chacune de ses étapes. La lecture critique de la littérature britannique contemporaine (dans le cas présent o...
Richardson, Emma V. Motl, Robert W.
Published in
Qualitative Health Research
Aging with multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex phenomenon. Some individuals report physical and cognitive dysfunctions regarding these combined experiences, whereas others report perceived improvements in quality of life. Beyond this, little is known regarding how people make sense of, and come to embody, negative or positive experiences of MS. Th...
Yin, Christina Amanda Chueh Ping
This study explores the fourth genre, creative nonfiction, as the means to retell the stories of lived experiences. The aim of the study was to gather stories of ordinary people working to conserve orang-utans in Sarawak through in-depth interviews based on narrative inquiry principles, and then to re-tell the stories by crafting a creative nonfict...
Anderson, Jennifer R.
This project is a practice-led inquiry into ethical questions that arise when medical writing and creative nonfiction writing – which have different generic and ethical conventions – are combined in a nursing memoir. The thesis presents personal stories from years as a student nurse, alongside an exegetical discussion of how creative goals are info...
Leibman, Caitlin
A collection of personal essays, Capacity explores issues ranging from health and aging to familial communication in a variety of tones and styles. Most of the pieces in this nonfiction work take the form of braided or segmented essays, which allows them to engage with multiple topics while seeking a deeper resonance overall. Navigating challenges ...
Grey Carlisle, Kelly
This creative dissertation is an original work in the genre of memoir, and consists of the first two sections of my book, My Secret Life in Film. I believe that my book speaks to contemporary experiences of childhood, violence, sexuality, and faith, and complicates conceptions of a ‘normal’ family. When I was three weeks old, my mother, who worked ...
Brien, Donna L.
The genre of biography is, by nature, imprecise and limited. Real lives are lived synchronously and diversely; they do not divide spontaneously into chapters, subjects or themes. All biographers construct stories, in the process forcing the disordered complexity of an actual life into a neat literary form. This doctoral submission comprises a book ...