Picot, Sandy Faury, Nicole Arzul, Isabelle Chollet, Bruno Renault, Tristan Morga, Benjamin
Published in
The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is a mollusk bivalve commercially important as a food source. Pacific oysters are subjected to stress and diseases during culture. The autophagy pathway is involved in numerous cellular processes, including responses to starvation, cell death, and microorganism elimination. Autophagy also exists in C. gigas, a...
Trancart, Suzanne Denéchère, Lucie Burioli, Erika A.V. Oden, Elise Charles, Maud Houssin, Maryline
Mortality outbreaks in adult oysters (Crassostrea gigas) have been reported since 1994 in Normandy. Recent work has shown that triploid oysters tend to be subject to higher mortality than diploids. Many parameters could be involved in this phenomenon including pathogens, environmental conditions, the physiological and genetic states of the oysters....
Houssin, Maryline Trancart, Suzanne Denéchère, Lucie Oden, Elise Adeline, Beatrice Lepoitevin, Mélanie Pitel, Pierre-Hugues
Summer mortalities of the adult Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas are an important economic concern. In 2015 and 2016, the mortality of hatchery origin spat comprising 4 diploid batches and 9 triploid batches as well as 12 batches of wild caught diploids was followed at 3 sites in Normandy. Abnormal mortalities (> 20%) were observed at one site onl...
Callier, M. D. Li, M. Lefebvre, S. Nahon, S. Richard, M. Triplet, S. Geoffroy, T. Blancheton, J.M. Gales, A. Roque d'Orbcastel, E.
The functional role of filter-feeders in IMTA system: development of a seabass-microalgae-oyster Crassostrea gigas ras-IMTA system. Aquaculture Europe 2017
Abi-Khalil, Celina Finkelstein, Darren S Conejero, Genevieve Du Bois, Justin Destoumieux-Garzon, Delphine Rolland, Jean Luc
Published in
Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Exposure of the toxin-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella (A. catenella) was previously demonstrated to cause apoptosis of hemocytes in the oyster species Crassostrea gigas. In this work, a coumarin-labeled saxitoxin appeared to spread throughout the cytoplasm of the hemocytes. PSTs, including saxitoxin, were also shown to be directly re...
Abi-Khalil, Celina Finkelstein, Darren S. Conejero, Geneviève Du Bois, Justin Destoumieux-Garzon, Delphine
Exposure of the toxin-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella (A. catenella) was previously demonstrated to cause apoptosis of hemocytes in the oyster species Crassostrea gigas. In this work, a coumarin-labeled saxitoxin appeared to spread throughout the cytoplasm of the hemocytes. PSTs, including saxitoxin, were also shown to be directly re...
Kwadijk, C.J.A.F. Hoek, M.
In opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat zijn door IMARES Wageningen UR werkzaamheden uitgevoerd in het kader van het Joint Assessment and Monitoring Program van de OSPARCOM. In dit project, gebaseerd op het door RWS aangeleverde werkdocument “Monitoring chemische stoffen in mariene schelpdieren 2015, meetplan chemisch meetnet MWTL”, worden schelpdieren van...
Glorius, S.T. van den Heuvel-Greve, M.J.
Dit rapport beschrijft de resultaten van de metaalanalyses in mosselen Mytilus edulis en Japanse oesters Crassostrea gigas bemonsterd op verschillende locaties in de Oosterschelde. Hierbij wordt ingegaan op de jaarlijkse variatie in metaalconcentratie in mossel- en oesterweefsel en verschillen tussen type stort en referentielocaties en worden gehal...
van den Ende, D. Troost, K. van Asch, M. Brummelhuis, E. van Zweeden, C.
Als onderdeel van het onderzoeksprogramma WOT (Wettelijke Onderzoeks Taken) worden jaarlijks door Wageningen Marine Research (WMR, voorheen IMARES) de mossel- en oesterbestanden in de Nederlandse kustwateren geïnventariseerd. Voorliggend rapport omvat de resultaten van de inventarisatie van het areaal en bestand aan mosselen (Mytilus edulis) en Jap...
Glorius, S.T. Poelman, M. van Zweeden, C. van Gool, A.C.M.
The areal coverage and biomass of the invasive Pacific oyster has increased in both the Dutch and German part of the Wadden Sea area since its introduction in the late seventies. In the Dutch part of the Wadden Sea oyster beds have increased in areal coverage in the period 2003 –2008. The Pacific oyster has relevance for commercial exploitation sin...