Liu, Wenying
The present work aims to conduct a contrastive analysis of the speech act of invitation in Spanish and Chinese, based on intercultural pragmatics. Specifically, we investigate both the different strategies employed by native Spanish and Chinese speakers when performing the speech act of invitation and the underlying sociocultural factors. As a resu...
Björk, Jörgen
En español se hace una distinción pronominal entre el tratamiento formal e informal. En singular usted se usa en todo el mundo hispanohablante para el tratamiento formal, mientras que tú, y en partes de América vos, se usan en situaciones informales. En plural el español peninsular tiene dos lexemas diferentes, vosotros y el plural de usted, para e...
Bartol Martín, Estela
For years, multiple studies on sociocultural pragmatics have agreed on underlining the importance of including verbal politeness contents on SFL classes. To present these contents successfully, recognizing the pros and cons of their treatment in SFL materials might be useful. Because of this, the present study has examined 40 SFL textbooks from dif...
Araujo Bilmonte, Elking Naranjo Tipán, Yamislaydis Garcés Bucheli, Deifilia
Verbal courtesy comprises a set of linguistic resources used by speakers in their communicative exchanges for different purposes. One of the speaking situations in which verbal courtesy plays a fundamental role is courtship. In this space of interaction, seeking to attract the other to establish an affective bond requires taking care of one's own i...
Cepeda Ruiz, Cristal Yeseidy
Resumen En este artículo se examina la alternancia entre los tratamientos de segunda persona -tú, usted, sumercé y vos- al dirigirse a un único interlocutor en Bogotá, Colombia. Se trata de un fenómeno poco descrito en la literatura, pero bastante frecuente y sistemático en el español bogotano. A partir de datos orales (fragmentos de conversaciones...
Li, Xinghua
Resumen Basándose en un corpus literario, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los aspectos contrastivos de la cortesía verbal en chino y en español y comprobar si las variables sociales influyen o no sobre la realización de la petición en las dos lenguas. Según los análisis, hemos conseguido los siguientes resultados: 1) desde el punto de vis...
Cepeda Ruiz, Cristal Yeseidy
This paper examines the alternation forms between the 2nd person treatment —tú, usted, sumercé and vos— when it comes to address a single interlocutor in Bogotá, Colombia. Whilst a case vaguely described in the literature it is though quite frequent and systematic in the Spanish of Bogotá. Based on oral data (fragments of spontaneous conversations ...
Godoy, Lucía Francisca
In digital and collaborative writing students must reach agreements to achieve their objectives. This is why they develop interactions in which they negotiate points in disagreement and achieve group consensus. In this article we analyze linguistic and discursive resources mobilized by students from different educational levels from Buenos Aires du...
Li, Xinghua
Based on the literary corpus, this study aims to analyze the contrastive aspects of verbal polite-ness both in Chinese and Spanish and determine whether social variables have influence on the realization of the request in both languages. Accor-ding to the analysis, we have achieved the following results: 1) Given the strategies of the head act, no ...
Conti, Luz
El presente trabajo, centrado en las tragedias completas de Sófocles, analiza el uso del optativo potencial en actos de habla directivos. Las gramáticas analizan el optativo potencial en este tipo de actos de habla como una expresión de cortesía. No precisan, sin embargo, si el optativo tiene un funcionamiento idéntico en todos los contextos. El an...