Murillo, Clara Eixarch, Elisenda Rueda, Claudia Larroya, Marta Boada, David Grau, Laia Ponce, Júlia Aldecoa, Victoria Monterde, Elena Ferrero, Silvia
Published in
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
Brain injury and poor neurodevelopment have been consistently reported in infants and adults born before term. These changes occur, at least in part, prenatally and are associated with intra-amniotic inflammation. The pattern of brain changes has been partially documented by magnetic resonance imaging but not by neurosonography along with amniotic ...
toader, corneliu brehar, felix mircea radoi, mugurel petrinel covache-busuioc, razvan adrian serban, matei ciurea, alexandru vladimir dobrin, nicolaie
Background/Objectives: Cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are rare but complex vascular anomalies, particularly challenging when located in eloquent regions such as the corpus callosum and post-central gyrus. This report aims to highlight the management and outcomes of a 41-year-old female patient with a hemorrhagic AVM in these critical a...
Takahata, Toru Ding, Song-Lin
Published in
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
Da, Xiao Hempel, Evan Brickman, Adam M. Hajós, Mihály Kern, Ralph Cimenser, Aylin
Published in
Frontiers in Neurology
Objective To examine the impact of 40Hz gamma stimulation on the preservation of the corpus callosum, a critical structure for interhemispheric connectivity, in people with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's disease. Methods OVERTURE (NCT03556280) participants were randomized 2:1 (Active:Sham) to receive daily, 1-h, 40Hz gamma sensory stimula...
Brown, Warren S. Paul, Lynn K.
Published in
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
In 1969 Joseph Bogen, a colleague of Roger Sperry and the neurosurgeon who performed commissurotomy on Sperry’s “split-brain” study participants, wrote an article subtitled “The Corpus Callosum and Creativity.” The article argued for the critical role of the corpus callosum and hemispheric specialization in creativity. Building on a four-stage mode...
dobrynina, larisa a. kremneva, elena i. shamtieva, kamila v. geints, anastasia a. filatov, alexey s. gadzhieva, zukhra sh. gnedovskaya, elena v. krotenkova, marina v. maximov, ivan i.
The cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD) is one of the main causes of vascular and mixed cognitive impairment (CI), and it is associated, in particular, with brain ageing. An understanding of structural tissue changes in an intact cerebral white matter in cSVD might allow one to develop the sensitive biomarkers for early diagnosis and monitoring of...
Dzięgiel-Fivet, Gabriela Jednoróg, Katarzyna
Published in
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Several previous studies reported reduced leftward lateralization in blind participants’ samples compared to the sighted population. The origins of this difference remain unknown. Here, we tested whether functional lateralization is connected with the structural characteristics of white matter tracts [corpus callosum (CC), uncinate fasciculus (UF),...
mayo, francisco gonzález-vinceiro, lourdes hiraldo-gonzález, laura calle-castillejo, claudia torres-rubio, ismael mayo, manuel ramírez-lorca, reposo echevarría, miriam
Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) expression is associated with the development of congenital hydrocephalus due to its structural role in the ependymal membrane. Gene expression analysis of periaqueductal tissue in AQP4-knockout (KO) mice at 11 days of age (P11) showed a modification in ependymal cell adhesion and ciliary protein expression that could alter cereb...
bartek, virág szabó, istván harmath, ágnes rudas, gábor steiner, tidhar fintha, attila ács, nándor beke, artúr
Introduction: The corpus callosum is one of the five main cerebral commissures. It is key to combining sensory and motor functions. Its structure can be pathological (dysgenesis) or completely absent (agenesis). The corpus callosum dys- or agenesis is a rare disease (1:4000 live births), but it can have serious mental effects. Methods: In our study...
Jiang, Ying Chen, Sijing Wu, Dan He, Wei Ma, Xiaoqing Zhang, Lixia Zhang, Qian
Published in
Frontiers in Neurology
Introduction Corpus callosum injury is a rare type of injury that occurs after a stroke and can cause lower limb dysfunction and a decrease in activities of daily living ability. Furthermore, there are no studies that focus on the progress in rehabilitation of the lower limb dysfunction caused by infarction in the corpus callosum and the effective ...