píša, tomáš
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou řízení a návrhem regulátoru BLDC motoru. Nejprve je uveden teoretický rozbor zahrnující konstrukci a parametry BLDC motorů a možné metody jejich řízení. Dále je provedeno měření charakteristik BLDC motorů určených pro RC modely. Hlavní náplní práce je pak návrh nového regulátoru ELCERAM pro profesionální RC modely...
orlowski, jakub motyka-pomagruk, agata dzimitrowicz, anna pohl, pawel terefinko, dominik lojkowska, ewa jamroz, piotr sledz, wojciech
In view of a constant growth in the human population on Earth, the provision of a necessary amount of high-quality food looks challenging. As over 10% of the crop yields are annually lost due to the presence of phytopathogens, the development of novel, eco-friendly methods of pest eradication might contribute to avoiding nutritional shortages. Here...
albornoz, marta v. santander, camila c. alfaro-tapia, armando
Biological invasions are partly defined by their ability to spread rapidly within invaded regions, posing threats to biodiversity and local species assemblages. The painted bug, Bagrada hilaris (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) (Burmeister, 1835), originally described as being from India, is an important pest worldwide, mainly due to the serious economic l...
gao, zhi-wei jia, shifeng
Beam pumping units play a key role in oil extraction. There is an increasing demand for optimal oil-extracting performance as operational environments are becoming more challenging and complex. Therefore, it is vital to create an acceptable mathematical model and develop robust control mechanisms. In the past decades, researchers have achieved frui...
Tahir, Rabia Samra, Ghaffar, Abdul Afzal, Fozia Qazi, Izhar Hyder Zhao, Liulan Yan, Haoxiao Kuo, He Khan, Hamid Yang, Song
Published in
Cypermethrin (CYP) is a chemical of emerging concern which has persistent and bioaccumulating impacts as it can be found extensively in freshwater ecosystem and agricultural products. It has exposure risk and toxic effects over human edible fish, as common carp. Four groups were designed for toxicity assessment and detoxification approach: control ...
cheng, qiongyi wang, hui xin, xu tengfei, he chen, zhaohui
The thermal environment is crucial for livestock production. Accurately detecting thermal environmental conditions enables the implementation of appropriate methods to control the thermal environment in livestock buildings. This study reviewed a comprehensive survey of detection and control methods for thermal environments in livestock buildings. T...
Gentzbittel, Laurent Desprez-Loustau, Marie-Laure Fontaine, Florence Sache, Ivan Tharreau, Didier Gachet, Emmanuel Tassus, Xavier Tombette, Hélène Rüger, Charlotte
Ceratocystis platani, le champignon pathogène responsable du chancre coloré du platane, est un organisme nuisible réglementé, dont l’introduction et la dissémination sont interdites, conformément aux réglementations nationale et européenne en vigueur. Au niveau européen, depuis le 14 décembre 2019, l’agent du chancre coloré du platane est catégoris...
Will, David J. Smith, Donal Braaksma, Nicholas Clarke, Rohan H. Harper, Grant Horn, Stephen R. Oyston, Emmanuel D. Withers, Tehani
Invasive rodent species represent a principal threat to global biodiversity and ecosystem integrity, particularly on islands. The development of aerial dispersal of rodenticide bait from helicopters in the 1990s was a major innovation credited with driving an increase in the scale, scope, and pace of successful eradication attempts. Helicopter-base...
Pinkston, Rod
Traps are one of the most commonly used products for controlling wild pig populations, but every trapping product and process produces different results. Early sexual maturity, extraordinary reproduction rate, and high piglet survivability gives feral pigs the capacity to recover quickly from inferior control efforts which do not target all age cla...
zhao, pengyue ruihan, li peng, wu liu, huan gao, xifeng deng, zongquan
The sparse atmosphere on the surface of Mars provides the necessary flight conditions for Mars unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to perform low-altitude flights. This work presents a comprehensive overview of key technologies in the development of Mars UAVs, with a specific focus on rotary-wing Mars UAVs. It summarizes prototypes of rotary-wing Mars ...