Cavalcante, Maisa Dias Placido, Geovana Rocha Cagnin, Caroline Freitas, Bheatriz Silva Morais de de Oliveira, Daniel Emanuel Cabral Santos, Ana Lúcia Rodrigues dos Resende, Osvaldo Sousa, Tainara Leal de
Spondias mombin L. is a fruit native to Brazil, there is a variation of the native species in the Cerrado. Its fruits are used in the production of food for the manufacture of jams, ice cream and juices and the leaves are used in folk medicine to treat inflammatory diseases.The objective was to analyze the thermodynamic behavior and properties of p...
Bernal, S. A. San Nicolas, R. Deventer, J. S. J. Van Provis, J. L.
Se evaluó el efecto de modificar el contenido de agua en un cemento de escoria activada alcalinamente, en términos de la cinética de reacción y su desarrollo estructural. No hay una correlación sistemática entre el contenido de agua y la velocidad de reacción, indicativo que hay un valor óptimo que favorece la disolución de la escoria y la precipit...
Rondón Acosta, Michael Felipe Mantilla González, Juan Miguel Muñoz Rodríguez, Alejandro
This work presents the effect of solubility tests made to gasoline-ethanol-water mixtures. In particular, water tolerance tests (phase separation temperature) applied on E10, E15, E20, E25 and E30 blends. In addition, the vacuum pressure effect on mixture separation is analyzed. Results showed that separation temperatures depend indirectly on ethan...
Rangel-Fajardo, María Alma Córdova-Téllez, Leobigildo Cárdenas-Soriano, Elizabeth
Las semillas ortodoxas cerca de la madurez adquieren tolerancia a la desecación; sin embargo, durante el proceso de imbibición-germinación ésta se pierde. El tiempo en que ocurre entre especies, incluso entre lotes de la misma especie es variable. Se determinó el momento en que ocurre la pérdida de tolerancia a la desecación en semillas de maíz dur...
Rangel Fajardo, María Alma Córdova Téllez, Leobigildo Cárdenas Soriano, E.
Orthodox seeds near maturity acquire desiccation tolerance, however during this imbibition-germination is lost. The time that occurs between species even between batches of the same species is variable. When the loss of desiccation tolerance in maize seeds during imbibition, germination occurs is determined, and also the behavior of lipid bodies re...
Luna-Flores, W. Estrada-Medina, H. Jiménez-Osornio, J. J. M. Pinzón-López, L. L.
Resumen: El estrés hídrico es una de las principales causas de muerte en plantas, ocurre cuando la transpiración excede el agua absorbida por las raíces. Los efectos morfológicos y fisiológicos del estrés hídrico sobre los árboles están ampliamente documentados pero se carece de información suficiente para el estado de plántula. El objetivo del pre...
Rodríguez Fadragas, C. Rodríguez González, M.
One of the fundamental applications of the ultrasonic pulse velocity method (UPV) to the study of concrete consists in the estimation of the mechanical properties. The precision on the estimation of theses properties may be dependent on the incidence of several factors, one of them is the free water content absorbed by the sample of concrete under ...
Marin, M.L. Mafla, G. Roca, W. Withers, Lyndsey A.
Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen of isolated zygotic embryos and whole seeds of cassava have been studied. A simple method is proposed for utilization in germplasm conservation or other related uses. Very high percentage survival values (ca. 97 percent) of zygotic embryos and whole seeds were obtained by both slow and rapid cooling methods follo...
Aguirre, R
Bean seeds var. Calima were stored in airtight containers during 32 wk., at 30 degrees Celsius and 7 moisture levels between 10.3 and 14.2 percent (humid basis). Every 2 wk., the physical, physiological, and sanitary quality of the seeds was evaluated by doing individual lot samplings of each moisture level. With the exptl. data on germination, eme...