Rupchan, Juliana
Collecting contemporary poetry is often a low priority for libraries, but interest in poetry is rising, and many library patrons have the potential to become poetry readers. Building a collection of poetry chapbooks can maximize the impact of a renewed poetry collecting effort because the poetry chapbook is an accessible, high-interest, and often l...
Whittell, Jesslyn Clark
This dissertation investigates the historical and present relationship of didactic poetry to the political thought of radical communities. Poetry from the Romantic period to the present is often seen as the valence of lyric and personal registers of thought, and its political utility is typically equated with the extent to which it resists concreti...
Bozhkova, Yasna
Cet article étudie le dialogue intertextuel de Ben Lerner avec Marianne Moore, notamment l’expérimentation de Moore avec des formes hybrides qui se situent à mi-chemin entre poésie et essai critique, et qui visent à mettre en question l’idée même d’un discours poétique. En conversation avec le poème « Poetry » (1920-1967) de Moore, l’essai de Lerne...
Hvala, Hana
Diplomsko delo na kratko predstavi in osvetli kompleksni pojem ekfraze v preteklosti in sedanjosti, predvsem pa se osredotoča najprej na posamično analizo, kjer gre za primerjavo med likovnim delom in pesmijo, potem pa še komparativno analizo dveh pesmi. Ne le, da sta obe v dialogu z renesančno sliko mojstra Bruegla starejšega z naslovom Lovci v sn...
Holland-Batt, Sarah
Lyric poem interrogating representations of ageing and aged care
Urquiza, María Victoria
Claudia Masin was born in Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina, in 1972. She lived in Buenos Aires for 30 years. She is a writer and psychoanalyst. She currently resides in Córdoba. She coordinates writing workshops. She has published eleven books of poetry, one essay, two anthologies of her work, and an edition of her Poesía reunida. Her book La vista re...
García Faet, Berta
In this article I study Juventud unida, the collected poetry of Mariano Blatt, published in its latest version in 2022, including texts since 2006. The lyrical subject is constructed through the deconstruction of the ideology of dominant masculinity: he does not stand as a "man" but as “boy”, lover and friend of other “boys”, in horizontal relation...
Vegue, David
Classical mythology functions as a highly renewable cultural energy of great efficiency when measuring the historical subject in its time and space. In the work of Aurora Luque, set in a deep dialogue between tradition and contemporaneity, the use of mythology is intensified until becoming the measurement of her poetic world. This aesthetic develop...
Holland-Batt, Sarah
To acknowledge Australian writers and their contributions to cultural life, and to rebalance the relationship between writer and state, Australia should establish and fund the office of a poet laureate.
Soppe, Alyssa
The purpose of this project, on a basal level, was to offer a variety of new translations to the literature. However, on a deeper level, the purpose of this project was to give Puerto Rico and its people their agency. Puerto Rico is commonly stereotyped among Americans as a popular tourist destination. This project seeks to begin erasing that stere...