Paranoid publics: conspiracy theories and the public sphere
Published in Frontiers in Communication
Published in Frontiers in Communication
V diplomskem delu smo se poglobljeno ukvarjali s teorijo velike zamenjave (TVZ) v slovenskem političnem prostoru. Teoretični del dela je predstavil nastanek, razvoj in ideološko ozadje TVZ, pri čemer smo poudarili njeno povezanost z družbenimi spremembami. Pomembno je poudariti, da TZV nima znanstvenih dokazov in jo uveljavljeni avtorji smatrajo za...
Academic AbstractThe motto of the conspiracist, "Do your own research," may seem ludicrous to scientists. Indeed, it is often dismissed as a mere rhetorical device that conspiracists use to give themselves the semblance of science. In this perspective paper, we explore the information-seeking activities ("research") that conspiracists do engage in....
Published in Scandinavian journal of psychology
Transhumanism is a movement that emphasizes the improvement of the human condition by developing technologies and making them widely available. Conspiracy theories regularly refer to the allegedly transhumanist agenda of elites. We hypothesized that belief in conspiracy theories would be related to more unfavorable attitudes toward the transhumanis...
status: accepted
Published in Frontiers in Communication
Conspiracy theories are a means by which people make sense of vastly complex webs of cause and effect, contingency, and random chance. Impersonal operations of a political economy thus become personified in the figure of sinister puppet masters controlling the world. Overdetermined historical events become narrativized as plots executed with clockw...
This study investigates post-truth messaging and participatory disinformation on Twitter, focusing on the activities of Craig Kelly, a former Australian member of parliament and a key figure previously accused of spreading health misinformation in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. We draw on Harsin's conceptualisation of post truth communicat...
Since it reached the mainstream in 2016, the alt-right has garnered a great deal of scholarly attention, especially for its conspiratorial essence and vocation to engage in cultural wars through red pills offered by intellectuals and media influencers committed to white/Western identity politics. Nevertheless, there is a gap in the literature when ...
Published in Frontiers in Social Psychology
The current research examined whether the perception of evil intentions by the conspirators influences conspiracy beliefs about particular narratives. Study 1 manipulated texts describing the death of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein to be either low or high in conspiratorial information. Studies 2 and 3 manipulated texts describing a fiction...
Teorije zarote so nenavaden družbeni pojav, ki se v takšni ali drugačni pojavni obliki pojavlja po vsem svetu. Gre za alternativne razlage dogodkov, ki vključujejo sume o zaroti. Pogosto se pojavljajo ob dogodkih (večjega obsega), ki v ljudeh zbujajo strah in negotovost. Tako so se množično pojavile tudi v času svetovne pandemije virusa Sars-Cov-2....