Dourado, João Paulo Ferreira, Ana Cristina Silva, Rui
Published in
Engineering Management in Production and Services
The research is based on a literature review focused on early supplier involvement in new product development processes while working towards Lean production, especially for the automotive industry, where all actors must be fast and accurate. For practitioners, early supplier involvement is a topic that deserves serious attention since it impacts o...
The functional tolerancing process involves the allocation of the tolerance derived from each functional requirement, expressed at the assembly level, into multiple functional tolerances at the part level. For each part, the manufacturing tolerancing process transfers each functional tolerance into multiple manufacturing tolerances on the dimension...
kirpes, carl sly, dave guiping, hu
The three-dimensional (3D) product model has become a tool that has transitioned from a legacy instrument, used in design, to an emerging technology applied to production and assembly processes. As this evolution has occurred, the need has developed to understand the value of deploying the 3D product model beyond the design phase. This research ans...
donelli, giuseppa boggero, luca nagel, björn
The integration of product design and supply-chain management can lead to an increase in the profitability and efficiency of companies. However, considering manufacturing, supply chain, and aircraft criteria in the early design phase increases the size of the solutions’ trade space and, thus, the complexity of performing the decision-making process...
martins, claudia garrido bogus, susan m. valentin, vanessa
Concurrent engineering through overlapping of activities (i.e., fast-tracking) has been used as a schedule acceleration technique. Fast-track construction projects are generally recognized as riskier and subject to risks arising due to the concurrency of work. This work reports the risk perception of construction professionals to three different de...
Božič, Maks
V diplomskem delu sta opisana tradicionalni in agilni projektni management, ter primerjava obeh načinov projektnega vodenja. V teoretičnem delu je poleg nekaterih glavnih metod, ki se jih uporablja v projektnem management opisana tudi primerjava in uporaba agilnih in tradicionalnih metod. Namen diplomskega dela je prepoznati prednosti in slabosti r...
slattery, owen trubetskaya, anna moore, sean mcdermott, olivia
The purpose of this study is to review the Lean tool application and its utilisation in medical device design and the new product introduction process to establish the benefits and best practices for its integration with existing new product introduction processes. A review of the literature on the current state of medical device New Product Introd...
Sonjak, Gregor
Spremembe pri izvajanju projektov so neizogibne, zato je pomembno, da so organizacije sposobne njihove izvedbe. Za organizacije je izvajanje sprememb lahko zahtevno in tvegano, ključno pa je to, da te v njih vidijo priložnosti. Če je obvladovanje neuspešno, to predstavlja resno tveganje, ki lahko prispeva k neuspehu projekta. Spremembe se smatrajo ...
asyraf, m. z. suriani, m. j. ruzaidi, c. m. khalina, a. ilyas, r. a. m. asyraf, m. r. syamsir, a. azmi, ashraf mohamed, abdullah
In this decade, all researchers and industry players compete to develop sustainable product design by exploring natural fibre composites in product design development. One of the essential methodologies in creating composite products is concurrent engineering (CE). Industrial design and production engineering should be involved in the development o...
Žužek, Tena
Majhna in srednje velika podjetja (MSP) so morala za preživetje na današnjem visoko konkurenčnem globalnem trgu preiti z zaporednega na sočasni razvoj izdelka, ki omogoča znatno skrajšanje razvojnih ciklov, znižanje stroškov in zagotavljanje visoke kakovosti izdelkov. Kljub številnim prednostim pa sočasni razvoj ne naslavlja izzivov, ki so povezani...