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with concrete cone as keyword
prchal, jan
Vývoji a praktickému uplatnění materiálu UHPC je stále věnováno velké množství pozornosti. Kotvení v tomto moderním kompozitním materiálu představuje důležitou součást komplexní problematiky navrhování a realizace prefabrikovaných konstrukcí z UHPC. Práce se zaměřuje na vlastnosti kotvení v prvcích z materiálu UHPC. Cílem práce je provedení experim...
Oña Vera, Andrea Carolina Boumakis, Ioannis Ninčević, Krĕsimir Sinn, Lisa-Marie De Corte, Wouter Di Luzio, Giovanni Wan-Wendner, Roman
Cast-in fasteners, like headed-studs, are important elements widely used in safety-critical applications of the building industry. They allow the connection of structural components through transfer of stresses from load-bearing elements to concrete. Their tensile strength in an unconfined configuration with wide supports depends on the concrete’s ...
Robson, Miora Lahouar, Amine Al-Mansouri, Omar Pinoteau, Nicolas Piccinin, Roberto Abate, Marco Rémond, Sébastien Hoxha, Dashnor
In structural engineering applications, cast-in place steel headed studs are commonly used to transfer external loads to concrete members. When subjected to a tensile load, a single headed stud placed far from concrete edges and adjacent anchors is likely to fail by pulling out a cone-shaped concrete chunk. To determine the concrete cone failure lo...
Gürbüz, Tuba
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007 / Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007 / Betonarme yapıların güçlendirme çalışmalarında mevcut taşıyıcı sisteme yeni betonarme elemanlar eklenmesi esnasında kimyasal ankrajlar sahip oldukları yüksek yapışma dayanı...
Gürbüz, Tuba