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with conceptions of writing as keyword
Truks, Elin
The aim of this essay is to describe how students in third grade speak about writing. I want to investigate what ideas and awareness children has about writing. I want to compare the results from third grade with pre-school children. I also want to find out how it is in other countries and over time. To achieve the aim, have four questions been for...
Truks, Elin
Abstract English title: The child´s conception of writing – a qualitative study of how pre-school children speaks about writing. Author: Elin Truks, spring term of 2017 Supervisor: Anna Malmbjer The aim of this essay is to describe how children speak about writing. I´ll also compare how children speak about their writing today compared to Dahlgren ...
Light, Gregory
Published in
Higher Education
Much qualitative research on student learningin higher education has focused on a keydistinction between surface reproductionof `knowledge' and a deeper understandingof it. This distinction has also been found inresearch on student practice and understandingof essay and discursive writing. This paperreports on results from a study of 40interviews c...