Matos Agudo, Diego Rubio Gil, F.J. Nieto Manibardo, Enrique Rey García, Pablo Gómez, José Carlos
Communication is key in healthcare systems. This study had the objectives of training medical students in communication and, at the same time, understanding how communication was being carried out at a clinical and interpersonal level in our hospital. Methodology. A teaching activity was proposed to medical students. They were offered to observe co...
Velázquez Ruiz, Miguel Ángel González Angulo, Pedro Lázaro Pérez, Mirella Madrigal Peregrino, José del Carmen Ávalos Cancino, Oriana Guadalupe
The purpose of this research is to determine the level of knowledge of the application of the SAER technique in the nursing staff of the pediatric emergency department. It is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. A population of 82 nurses from the emergency department of a high specialty public hospital in the city of Villahermosa,...
Robalino Layedra, Carlos Eduardo Ureña Lara, David Antonio Guadalupe Bravo, Luis Oswaldo Ávalos Obregón, María Dolores
Introduction: The challenge of caring for the globalized world involves the adoption of innovative communicative approaches, oriented to the health priorities of the populations and the defense of environmental sustainability. But are health career students being exposed to these new approaches?Objective: To examine the use of innovative communicat...
Maza-de la Torre, Guadalupe Motta-Ramírez, Gaspar-Alberto Motta-Ramírez, Gabriela Jarquin-Hernández, Pamela Monserrat
Resumen La empatía, la comunicación efectiva y la asertividad en la práctica médica actual representan habilidades y herramientas necesarias y vigentes en un mundo de grandes avances y realidades tecnológicas que no superan, en nuestra perspectiva, lo indispensable para mantener y fortalecer la relación del profesional de la salud con el paciente, ...
Ferreira, Raquel Marques Carriço Pereira Nunes Bastos, Roseli Nailto dos Santos, José
With a qualitative inductive study operated by the method of grounded theory (GT), observing the Uses and Gratifications framework for the consumption of digital platforms, we seek in this article to present empirical findings about the reasons that contribute to the search and consumption of information digital health, by Quilombola remnants of th...
Kumar Mukherjee, Samrat Kumar, Jitendra Jha, Ajeya
Social networks have long been used to disseminate health-related information and help, and this use has increased with the emergence of online social media. The goal of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of health information in the context of India. The literature available in PubMed is the source of the study. The objective of this...
Almeida Santos, Leonor Queirós, Sílvia Couto, Germano Meneses, Rute F.
Introduction: The high relevance of clinical/healthcare communication as a vital skill in the provision of care and paramount in healthcare education determined the relevance of its teaching, and recommendations are to introduce it in undergraduate learning. Objetives: Identify, via expert consensus, the clinical/healthcare communication skills to ...
Brito Rhor, Maria Dolores Herrera, Paula
Objetivo: En época de pandemia se ha visto un incremento del 20% en las personas que experimentan síntomas de trastorno de ansiedad o depresivo. Mantener una buena salud requiere algo más que realizar ejercicio o tener una alimentación adecuada. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar el contenido de las frases inofensivas que afectan a la salud ...
Almeida Santos, Leonor Meneses, Rute F. Costa Santos, Cristina Couto, Germano
Introduction: The therapeutic process requires from the physiotherapist skills beyond those of technical mastery. Health communication skills, proven to be in continuous development since the initial stage of training, determine the importance of their pre-graduate teaching. Objetive: To evaluate the effectiveness of a health communication skills t...
Espinoza-Caifil, Margarita Baeza-Daza, Paula Rivera Rojas, Flérida Ceballos Vásquez, Paula
Abstract: Introduction: The communication between nurse and user that is in critical units with vital commitment is limited by sedation, mechanical ventilation, and presence of endotracheal tube, interfering in the delivery of care. Aim: analyze in the published scientific literature how communication is carried out between nursing professionals an...