Zhuman, Yeldar Juman, Jappar Makulova, Aiymzhan Kalaganov, Bakhytbek Tagay, Akkhozha Bastarova, Uldar
Purpose – The aim of the research was to apply the principles of the quality management system in order to establish a framework for implementing quality management practices within the construction industry. Research methodology – The study involved analysing the global experience of certifying enterprises according to ISO 9001 standards. The rese...
Bounnite, Mohamed Yasser Wil Hector, Kinmagbaho Bounnite, Hector Yasser, Mohamed
L'optimisation fiscale joue un rôle fondamental dans la performance des micros, petites et moyennes entreprises (MPME) béninoises. Cet article examine comment l'adoption de stratégies fiscales efficaces peut améliorer la rentabilité et la compétitivité des MPME. À travers une étude empirique basée sur un échantillon représentatif de 100 MPME, nous ...
ludvík, tomáš
Diplomová práce se zabývá hodnocením rozvojového potenciálu regionu Berounsko. Cílem práce je identifikovat klíčové oblasti pro posílení konkurenceschopnosti regionu a navrhnout možnosti pro jeho budoucí rozvoj. V práci jsou využívány ekonomické a statistické indikátory z veřejně dostupných dat k provedení důkladného zhodnocení současného stavu reg...
Zhao, Yueyang Shang, Wenxuan Qin, Xiaochuan Li, Kaicheng
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Introduction This study aims to develop a comprehensive evaluation model for urban tourism competitiveness in China. Given China's transition into a mature tourist destination, there is a pressing need for a framework that can assess the effectiveness of its urban tourism strategies. The model presented in this study is designed to provide a holist...
khaouja, mohammed Haissoune, Mohamed
P a g e 2 | 18
Résumé L'émergence de l'économie de la connaissance a conduit de nombreuses organisations à reconnaître l'importance de la connaissance comme une ressource cruciale, et a créé un défi de gestion complexe « la gestion des connaissances (KM) ». En raison des complexités culturelles, opérationnelles, dispersions géographiques et autres, ...
Zavarika, Halyna Zelenko, Olena
Published in
European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation
This article is devoted to the analysis of the competitiveness of the hospitality sector of Ukraine on the basis of social dialogue during the period of martial law. It is found that the competitiveness of hospitality enterprises differs significantly depending on the location. Also, it is identified that in order to strengthen the competitive adva...
Díaz Baca, Manuel Francisco Moreno Lerma, Leonardo Burkart, Stefan Triana Ángel, Natalia
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Migration, from rural to urban settings is a common phenomenon in Latin America, due to social, economic, political, and other factors. Young people in search of economic and educational opportunities, financial, and social stability, have been migrating to larger urban centers, thus crafting important shifts in rural labor, generational transfer, ...
Szymański, Jarosław
The purpose of the article. An important element that influences the effectiveness of public procurement is the multi-criteria offer evaluation model. Moving away from comparing offers only in terms of their price, a single-criteria model, allows you to choose a more expensive solution, which may turn out to be a cheaper one after many years of use...
Song, Jingya Xu, Bo
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
In the contemporary context marked by globalization and the growing prominence of sustainable development, assessing urban tourism competitiveness has emerged as a crucial research domain. This paper aims to develop a comprehensive model for evaluating city tourism competitiveness, grounded in the principles of sustainable development. The model in...
zikmundová, alena
Záměrem diplomové práce bylo analyzovat mezinárodní konkurenceschopnost lidského kapitálu České republiky a připravenost na výzvy budoucího světa práce. Teoretická část se zaměřila na definování lidského kapitálu a identifikaci způsobů jeho měření, koncept konkurenceschopnosti a vývoj automatizace a jeho vliv na pracovní trh. Praktická část se zamě...