Hernández Espinosa, Osmary Felicia Calderón Mora, María de las Mercedes
A competência dos diretores do Ensino Médio Básico em projetos institucionais levou à análise de problemas educacionais e gerou respostas à luz das transformações na Terceira Melhoria do Sistema Nacional de Educação e da inovação pedagógica e curricular, para garantir a qualidade educacional. O objetivo visou socializar uma pesquisa sobre a prepara...
Rosamilha, Nelson
Project management competencies can be understood as a set of applications of skills, experiences and personality traits to be applied in the dynamic context of projects. Thus, by developing their competencies, the project professional can lead their activities to expected results based on defined and accepted standards. Entities such as World Econ...
Arteaga Flórez, Andrea Lorena Rosa Salazar, Diego de la
The leather sector in Colombia is substantially represented by micro and small companies. If it is observed from the productive part, this industry is a generator of employment, intermediate goods and industrial growth; it is volatile, because it is highly dependent on the behavior of the demand for the products it offers, it increases or decreases...
Contreras Saavedra, Carolina Sáez Delgado, Fabiola M. Sepulveda, Felipe Ramos Huenteo, Valentina
Socioemotional competences in schools serve as protective factors for mental health, enhance academic outcomes, and contribute to a positive school climate. However, the impact of these competences on adolescents with autism, who experience specific challenges in communication and social interaction, remains unclear. The objective of this review is...
Dávila Alfonso, Elio Yurney
Every process that sets goals and that leads to the joint and individual work of its participants, must contain some parameters that account for its results, these parameters are immersed in a process called evaluation. Evaluation is a tool that can allow data management with the aim of issuing a value judgment on the state of any human activity, t...
Pereira Nobre, Edilson
This text intends to examine the sanctioning power of independent regulatory authorities. The analysis will focus on the Brazilian model of regulatory agencies, in particular on issues related to legality, typicity, proportionality and consensus; and mention is made of national and foreign legislation and jurisprudence. In relation to legality and ...
Carobrêz, Erica Imhof
Seminário de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Farmácia. / O aplicativo My Dispense é uma iniciativa introduzida pela Universidade de Monash, localizada na Austrália. O software cria um ambiente de farmácia comunitária virtual, a fim de promover aprendizagem ativa sobre o cuida...
Leppink, Jimmie
Aims: the assessment of individual competence in medical education is about finding a balance between having sufficient resources to make valid and reliable decisions and not using more resources than necessary. Sequential assessment, in which more resources are used for borderline performing candidates than for poorly or clearly satisfactorily per...
Sotomayor Casalís, Dayana Rosa Águila Carralero, Alisvech
The article presents a research result of a master's thesis on the formation of the conflict resolution competence in students of the Sociology career of the blended modality of the University of Camagüey, Cuba. In this sense, the objective was to propose a pedagogical strategy for the formation of the conflict resolution competence in Sociology st...
Cortés-Muñoz, Irama Porras-Araya, Melvin Steve Pereira-Chaves, José Jiménez-Sánchez, Susana
La presente investigación tiene como propósito identificar las competencias de pensamiento científico, como la argumentación y el uso de analogías, fomentadas en el estudiantado costarricense participante en las Olimpiadas Internacionales de Biología. Es importante explorar las acciones de mediación del aprendizaje, en el proceso de entrenamiento d...