MANTA Network: Megara, Aegina & ThaenaeA Mediterranean Network of Training Field Schools on Ancient Coastal Cities
International audience
International audience
Through a case study of the coastal Mesolithic site of Port Neuf (Hoedic), this article aims to introduce archaeologists to the use of geomagnetic prospection methods in the context of irregular vegetation cover and topography inherent to this type of coastal site. The constraints and limitations of the method are discussed, e.g. the negative influ...
Located in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula, Galicia is the region with the longest coastline in Spain. This coast is characterized by the presence of several estuaries (rias), the largest of which are located in the west. A number of islands and islets can be found within or at the mouth of such rias, as is the case in Ría de Vigo, Ría de P...
Maritime adaptation is a key component of the Neolithization process in Eastern Arabia. It is expressed by the development of diversified fishing techniques, the exploitation of hard marine animal materials (e.g., seashells, shark teeth, stingray's barbs, etc.) for both tools and personal adornments production, advanced seafaring, and colonization ...
Les estrans de la côte atlantique française sont aujourd’hui particulièrement menacés par les effets du changement global, en particulier l’érosion. Sur la côte sableuse aquitaine, à Soulac-sur-Mer et Grayan-et-L’Hôpital (Gironde), le trait de côte recule de plusieurs mètres pas an, emportant avec lui un riche patrimoine archéologique. La vitesse e...
À l’origine simple mouillage, le port de La Turballe subit de nombreuses transformations à partir du milieu du XIXe siècle. Très actif, le port de pêche s’étend progressivement et les aménagements projetés ont conduit à la réalisation d’un diagnostic d’archéologie préventive sur le domaine public maritime. L’opération, réalisée par l’Inrap, illustr...
Beginning around 10,000 years ago, humans gradually shifted away from hunting-and-gathering lifestyles to more sedentary and agricultural lifestyles, which determined a change in their food-sourcing methods. Although the biological effects to changing subsistence patterns are generally well-understood, more recent studies show regional variation in...
Using targeted survey, excavation, and radiocarbon dating, we assess the extent to which human settlement patterns on California’s northern Channel Islands fit predictions arising from the ideal free distribution (IFD): (1) people first established and expanded permanent settlements in the regions ranked high for environmental resource suitability;...