Pinazza, Rick
Published in
Historische Zeitschrift
Die lykische stásis, deren Anlässe und Ursachen sowie die darauffolgende Epoche der römischen Provinzialisierung stoßen bis heute in der Forschung auf ein nur untergeordnetes Interesse. Dieses Forschungsdesiderat aufgreifend, wird unter Hinzuziehen epigraphischer Quellen sowie durch Zurückgreifen auf einen soziologischen Ansatz gezeigt, dass dem in...
Sarmento, Patrícia Lobo, Mafalda Kirtikumar, Kalpna
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Universal school-based socio-emotional learning (SEL) programs for adolescents have shown their efficacy in producing positive outcomes. The aim of the current study is to present an original school-based program and project for adolescents—Semear Valores On-air – and to assess the relationship between participation in the project and students’ soc...
Bijelonić, Sonja
V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali izbris iz registra stalnega prebivalstva, ki se je zgodil 26. februarja 1992 v Sloveniji. Osredotočili smo se na posledice izbrisa ter mnenja prizadetih glede izbrisa, poskuse poprave krivic, odgovornosti, ozaveščenosti, njihovih občutkih. V teoretičnem delu smo s pomočjo literature opisali glavne značilnosti izbr...
Banégas, Richard Cutolo, Armando
Identity documents provide rights to citizenship and social inclusion. They can also generate violence and conflicts. This book explores Côte d'Ivoire's 'ID war' as a paradigmatic case of a citizenship crisis, centered on the access to national identity cards and certificates.Using ethnographic and historical data, it shows how the documentary stru...
Fouka, Vasiliki
The proliferation of government policies to manage immigration has led to the emergence of an interdisciplinary literature that evaluates policy effects on immigrant integration. This review synthesizes findings from evaluations of policies regulating legal status and citizenship, the labor market, welfare, settlement, education, and cultural right...
Kukovič, Simona
Published in
Politics in Central Europe
Research in Slovenia shows a low level of expression of patriotism among young people, which points to the fact that we are unable to express this value because we are not convinced of its quality and necessity. The belief that we will love and respect our homeland, which has also been a state since 1991, is based on completely false assumptions. T...
Agustino, Leo Hikmawan, M. Dian Silas, Jonah
Published in
Frontiers in Political Science
The decision to relocate the nation’s capital from Jakarta is not without reason. Jakarta, the nation’s capital, is regarded as less than ideal, with numerous issues such as flooding, air pollution, poor water quality, and political and environmental sustainability. This research will be based on the framework of ecological citizenship to investiga...
Miksa, Joanna
In my article, I present the historical origins of the introduction of the subject of Citizenship in 2002 to British schools in the state sector, discuss its assumptions and present a translation of its syllabus. I also want to show that the subject of Citizenship is a form of ethical education. In the liberal English tradition, the state avoided i...
Leitheiser, Stephen Vezzoni, Rubén
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
This paper presents a conceptualization of radical food democracy (RFD) which links the diverse economies approach of Gibson-Graham with Tully’s notion of diverse citizenship. Despite its invaluable contribution to theorizing the role of alternative food networks (AFNs) in transforming unsustainable industrial food systems, the diverse economies sc...
Smalley, Heather Kitada Karthik, Mira
Published in
Statistics, Politics and Policy
The 2020 Decennial Census garnered unprecedented attention due to the proposed reintroduction of the citizenship question by the Trump Administration. The legal imperative to respond to the Census and the sensitive nature of the citizenship question led to tensions and public outrage. This paper discusses the controversy surrounding the addition of...