Yin, Chunyan Liu, Lujie Xu, Dong Li, Meng Li, Min Qin, Yujie Zhang, Bei Sun, Yongfa Liu, Yuesheng Xiao, Yanfeng
Published in
Frontiers in Nutrition
Background Despite emerging evidence linking alterations in gut microbiota to childhood obesity, the metabolic mechanisms linking gut microbiota to the lipid profile during childhood obesity and weight loss remain poorly understood. Methodology In this study, children with obesity were treated with lifestyle weight loss therapy. Metagenomics associ...
Ješić, Nevena
V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala podobo otroka in otroštva v zgodbah Iva Andrića, pri čemer sem se posebej osredotočila na zgodbi "Trdnjava" in "Knjiga". Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela: teoretični in empirični. V teoretičnem delu bom predstavila definicije mladinske književnosti v Sloveniji ter Bosni in Hercegovini, skupaj z njenimi zg...
Peña Saint Martin, Florencia López Alonso, Sergio
El presente trabajo se inscribe dentro de la investigación del papel de la familia como instancia mediadora entre los fenómenos vitales humanos y los macroprocesos sociales. Para ello, se analizan la estatura para la edad y el peso para la edad, con el propósito de valorar las condiciones en que tuvo lugar el desarrollo de 110 escolares (68 niñas y...
Philip, Jannet Huurneman, Bianca Jansonius, Nomdo M. Cillessen, Antonius H. N. Boonstra, Frouke N.
Published in
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Haire, Lauren Symonds, Jennifer Senior, Joyce D’Urso, Giulio
Published in
Frontiers in Education
The construct of pathological demand avoidance (PDA) is relatively new and contested. Clinical reports indicate a population who obsessively resist everyday demands and have an extreme need for control. Children and adolescents who might experience PDA, and their families, struggle significantly in their daily lives, creating a need for more resear...
Kurth, F. Schijven, D. van den Heuvel, O. Hoogman, M. van Rooij, D. Stein, D. Buitelaar, J. Bölte, S. Auzias, Guillaume Kushki, A.
Only a small number of studies have assessed structural differences between the two hemispheres during childhood and adolescence. However, the existing findings lack consistency or are restricted to a particular brain region, a specific brain feature, or a relatively narrow age range. Here, we investigated associations between brain asymmetry and a...
Wiehn, Jascha Kurth, Tobias Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike Prugger, Christof Piccininni, Marco Reiss, Franziska
Published in
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Objectives Depression is a major contributor of young people's burden of disease. In this study we aim to estimate the effect of elevated depressive symptoms on physical health-related quality of life. Design We used self-reported information from the prospective BELLA cohort study, which included adolescents selected from the general population in...
Reda, Sarah Weishaar, Heide Akhter, Sadika Karo, Basel Martínez, Jorge Singh, Aarti Jackson, Cath
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Background Despite established vaccination programs, vaccine-preventable diseases persist among about 900,000 Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN)/Rohingya refugees in the world's largest refugee settlement in Bangladesh. Health service providers (HSPs) play a key role in the delivery of childhood vaccination programs. This study explored th...
Milani, Gregorio P Alberti, Ilaria Abodi, Martina Lakoumentas, John Konstantinou, George N Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G Pop, Raluca M Bocsan, Ioana C Cassimos, Dimitrios Kull, Inger
Published in
Acute respiratory infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide. Dietary and nutritional interventions, including minerals and vitamin supplementation, have been explored as potential treatments for these infections. However, the evidence on their efficacy is limited and inconclusive. This systematic review and meta-...
Bacharier, Leonard B Pavord, Ian D Maspero, Jorge F Jackson, Daniel J Fiocchi, Alessandro G Mao, Xuezhou Jacob-Nara, Juby A Deniz, Yamo Laws, Elizabeth Mannent, Leda P
Published in
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology
Blood eosinophils and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (Feno) are prognostic biomarkers for exacerbations and predict lung function responses to dupilumab in adolescents and adults with asthma. We evaluated the relationship between baseline blood eosinophils and Feno and response to dupilumab in children with asthma. Children aged 6 to 11 years with...