van der Putten, W.
Bodem bestaat uit fysische, chemische en biologische eigenschappen, die elkaar onderling beïnvloeden. Tot nu toe wordt de toestand van de bodem meestal afgelezen aan de fysisch-chemische eigenschappen. Door toenemend inzicht in het bodemleven kunnen nu ook gaan nadenken over hoe bodembiodiversiteit kan bijdragen aan de maatschappelijke opgaven voor...
Lech, F.J.
This thesis shows the effects that the addition of low molecular weight surfactants (LWMS) to proteins has on the foam stability of the mixture. For this, the bulk, interfacial, thin liquid films and foam properties are determined for different protein-LWMS mixtures at different molar ratios (MR). It was shown that the MR as well as the charge of t...
Glorius, S.T. van der Weide, B.E. Kaag, N.H.B.M.
A consortium, consisting of Wintershall Holding GmbH, GdF Suez, RWE Dea and EWE AG, is planning an exploration well in block B11-5, located within the Doggerbank (N2000 area). In order to assess any effect from this activity on the biological, physical and chemical properties of the seafloor Wintershall Noordzee BV asked IMARES to perform a baselin...
Sperber, B.L.H.M.
Pectin and proteins are both common food constituents. The type of pectin that forms complexes with protein is known to be of great influence on the structure and stability of liquid foods. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of the overall charge and local charge density of pectin on the formation of soluble complexes...
Keizer-Vlek, H.E. de Lange, H.J. Verdonschot, P.F.M.
Het doel van deze studie is het gekwantificeerd invullen van de abiotische randvoorwaarden behorende bij de (Zeer) Goede Ecologische Toestand ((Z)GET) van het KRW type M27 ‘Matig grote, ondiepe laagveenplassen’. Meetgegevens van de twaalf ‘best beschikbare’ plassen in Nederland zijn voor dit doel geanalyseerd. De resultaten geven aan dat de biologi...
Bekedam, E.K.
The aim of the work presented in this thesis was the identification of structural and functional properties of coffee brew melanoidins, and their formation mechanisms, that are formed upon roasting of coffee beans.
Paraschiv, I.
Since 1977, more than 2300 publications on discotic (disk-like) liquid crystalline materials have appeared. Discotic liquid crystals, which usually consist of polyaromatic molecules surrounded by long peripheral alkyl tails, can form liquid crystalline mesophases in a wide temperature range. Within these mesophases, the molecules self-assemble in l...
Guillotin, S.E.
Commercial pectins are mainly used for the gelling, thickening and stabilizing properties in food products. The different physical properties of pectins strongly depend on the galacturonic acid level and the level of methyl-esterification as well as on the molecular weight distribution. However, the conventional chemical analysis of the pectins doe...
Chapuis-Lardy, L. Temminghoff, E.J.M. de Goede, R.G.M.
Cattle slurry manure applied to land increases the risk of phosphorus (P) movement to surface waters, which may lead to eutrophication. The water-extractable fraction of P in slurry manure is correlated with P concentration in runoff from soils amended with slurry smanure, and thus is an effective indicator of environmental P loss. We evaluated the...
Bolster, M.G.
Since ancient times, ambergris has been one of the most highly valued perfumery materials. Ambergris is a metabolic product of the spermwhale ( Physeter macrocephalus L.), which accumulates as concretions in the gut. (-)-AmbroxÒ, the commercially most important constituent of natural ambergris, is recognized as the prototype of all ambergris odoran...