concas, sisinnio kummetha, vishal c.
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology has the capability to enhance road safety by enabling wireless exchange of telematics and spatiotemporal information between connected vehicles (CVs). Effective V2X communication depends on rapid information sharing between Roadside Units (RSUs), in-vehicle On-Board Units (OBUs), and other connected infrastruc...
Bojc, Janez
Preobrazba nekdanjih socialističnih držav iz skoraj v celoti državnega lastništva v skoraj v celoti privatno lastništvo je eden od ključnih dogodkov v ekonomski zgodovini. Za razliko od večine drugih socialističnih držav se je privatizacija v Sloveniji vršila z modelom, v katerem sta bili enakovredni komponenti množična (certifikatska) privatizacij...
Almani, Dimah; Muller, Tim; Carpent, Xavier; Yoshizawa, Takahito; 127251; Furnell, Steven;
status: published
almani, dimah muller, tim carpent, xavier yoshizawa, takahito furnell, steven
This research investigates the deployment and effectiveness of the novel Pre-Signature scheme, developed to allow for up-to-date reputation being available in Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications in rural landscapes, where the communications infrastructure is limited. We discuss how existing standards and specifications can be adjusted to incorp...
geier, cecilia roxanne bahrs, enno sponagel, christian
This contribution evaluates and examines the scope of 26 global carbon farming projects with a view to analyzing existing concepts for developing a business model for promoting carbon farming in order to generate valid carbon removal. It thus addresses an important aspect of the objectives of the European Green Deal. This study is based on a litera...
Cerar Šimenc, Žan
Tema diplomske naloge se nanaša na usposabljanje članov posadke na ladji, od odločitve za to zaposlitev do usposabljanja med samim delom na ladji, in sicer s pomočjo vaj na morju. Cilj diplomske naloge je predstaviti načine usposabljanj članov posadke, različnih vaj na morju ter vseh podrobnosti, ki so povezane z izvajanjem vaj. Izpostavljena je po...
Drury, Vincent Jakob
Phishing attacks have been a relevant and ongoing threat for several decades, resulting in monetary loss for private users and serving as a first step in attacks on larger organizations. Despite decades of research into automated detection, education, and design interventions to prevent phishing attacks, current solutions fall short of providing ad...
Drolet, Lauriane Caron, Pier-Olivier Forget, Jacques Turcotte, Jean-Robert Guimond, Claude
Published in
Work (Reading, Mass.)
Mental disorders are among the leading causes of disability for which family physicians are often required to complete sickness certificates. Yet, little is known about family physicians' sick-listing practices in Quebec. This study aims to describe their practices, difficulties and needs. Twenty-three family physicians completed a comprehensive qu...
Vargas-Herrera, Javier Meneses, Giovanni Cortez-Escalante, Juan
Published in
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Background A computer application called the National Death Information System (SINADEF) was implemented in Peru so that physicians can prepare death certificates in electronic format and the information is available online. In 2018, only half of the estimated deaths in Peru were certified using SINADEF. When a death is certified in paper format, t...
Petersson, Linn Lindkvist, Rebecka
Today, security has become a growing concern for all internet users, where technology is developing faster than its security is implemented, which leads to insecure domains. In this thesis, we look at the reality of today’s domains and research if some categories of domains are safer than others and the reason behind it. The total amount of researc...