braga, gustavo josé braga ramos, allan kardec carvalho, marcelo ayres lazarini fonseca, carlos eduardo karia, claudio takao
Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus Kunth) is a tussock-forming forage species adapted to acid soils of Brazilian savannas and cultivated for grazing pastures. Four decades since its release, Planaltina prevails as the most commercialized cultivar of the species, even though the new cultivar BRS Sarandi could be a better alternative for Gamba-grass-bas...
cardoso, priscila bruno calixto, eduardo soares torezan-silingardi, helena maura del-claro, kleber
Context-dependence in mutualisms is a fundamental aspect of ecological interactions. Within plant-ant mutualisms, particularly in terms of biotic protection and pollination, research has predominantly focused on elucidating the benefits while largely overlooking potential costs. This notable gap underscores the need for investigations into the draw...
Alberton, Bruna Martin, Thomas C. M. Da Rocha, Humberto R. Richardson, Andrew D. Moura, Magna S. B. Torres, Ricardo S. Morellato, Leonor Patricia Cerdeira
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Introduction: The interplay of water and light, regarded as the main driver of tropical plant dynamics, determines leaf phenology and ecosystem productivity. Leaf phenology has been discussed as a key variable to explain photosynthetic seasonality in evergreen tropical forests, but the question is still open for seasonally tropical ecosystems. In t...
zuanon, lino a. e., ruthe quero, adilson neves, karen c. vasconcelos, heraldo l.
Carbohydrates and proteins are essential to maintain the basic functions of animals. Over the course of one year we conducted a factorial experiment to determine the influence of carbohydrate (sucrose) and protein supplementation on the thermal tolerance, trophic position, overall abundance, species richness and composition, and on the strength of ...
silva, daniel s. arima, eugenio y.
Brazil is one of the largest suppliers of commodities in the world, partly due to the agricultural expansion in the Brazilian savannas (also known as Cerrado) that began in the 1970s. However, as areas with better soil and climate for agriculture become scarce, farmers have been advancing to the ecotone between the savanna and xeric shrubland, wher...
Quem passa pelo chão e vê aquele enfileirado de eucaliptos, pinus ou bambus margeando as estradas, muitas vezes nem imagina o que aquela cortina de vento realmente esconde. Quem passa pelo chão e vê o verde exuberante e pomposo das aroeiras, cajueiros e acácias na beira das estradas, nem imagina o tamanho do vazio que o cerrado sente por dentro. Um...
Ainda segundo o Instituto, o município de Santa Filomena, a 813 km de Teresina, corresponde a 10% do desmatamento do cerrado do estado.
Sales, Lima, Passos, Moreira, Maciel,
Os campos de murundus são paisagens intrigantes ocorridas nos topos dos Planaltos do Bioma Cerrado. Essa área rebaixada é circundada por uma extensa área plana, onde ocorre a concentração de umidade no solo e a distribuição padronizada de montículos de terra, fatores que ainda foram pouco estudados quanto à gênese e funcionamento desses importantes...
Quem passa pelo chão e vê aquele enfileirado de eucaliptos, pinus ou bambus margeando as estradas, muitas vezes nem imagina o que aquela cortina de vento realmente esconde. Quem passa pelo chão e vê o verde exuberante e pomposo das aroeiras, cajueiros e acácias na beira das estradas, nem imagina o tamanho do vazio que o cerrado sente por dentro. Um...
Alberton, Bruna Martin, Thomas C.M. Da Rocha, Humberto R. Richardson, Andrew D. Moura, Magna S.B. Torres, Ricardo S. Morellato, Leonor Patricia Cerdeira
Introduction: The interplay of water and light, regarded as the main driver of tropical plant dynamics, determines leaf phenology and ecosystem productivity. Leaf phenology has been discussed as a key variable to explain photosynthetic seasonality in evergreen tropical forests, but the question is still open for seasonally tropical ecosystems. In t...