zhouyan, wu song, zhaoxun
This study conducts a Critical Discourse Analysis of the masculinities of male characters in Doraemon, a famous Japanese manga series. It explores the masculinities in Doraemon from three perspectives by utilising the following Critical Discourse Analysis framework: text, process and society. Five male characters in Doraemon were selected as the ma...
de Luelmo Jareño, José María
A diferencia de lo sucedido en el escenario bélico, donde desató las hostilidades y mantuvo la iniciativa en varios frentes a la vez, el régimen nacionalsocialista apenas si pudo equipararse a los países aliados en el uso político de la animación a pesar de conceder a la propaganda una importancia excepcional. A la vista de este fracaso, el artícul...
Baridon, Laurent
International audience
Friesen, Marita Kapp, Felix Barzel, Bärbel Dreher, Anika Holzäpfel, Lars Larrain, Macarena Weith, Lukas Domokos, Tobias Hiemenz, Antonia
As a way to offer more flexible and easier to access in-service support, the number of online teacher professional development programmes (oTPD) has rapidly grown over the past decade. The COVID19 pandemic, however, has added a new level of urgency to the participation in oTPD so that research has largely not been able to keep pace with the design ...
Šubic, Lili
Skozi diplomsko nalogo je predstavljena in izpeljana tehnika animiranja sličica za sličico in sicer risana animacija, saj smo z njo lahko najbolje poustvarili čustva, karakter in razpoloženje nastopajočih risanih junakov. Teoretični del opisuje in se zgleduje po domačih in tujih animatorjih ter primerja in analizira njihov način animiranja. Analizi...
Plumb, Amanda
Recording of the radio show The North Avenue Lounge broadcast February 26, 2018 on WREK Atlanta, 91.1FM / Did you know "Archer" is created right here in Atlanta? Executive Producer Matt Thompson describes how he and Adam Reed met and began making cartoons together. You'll also get to meet Floyd County producers Casey Willis, Neal Holman, and Eric S...
marques, daniela neto, teresa b. guerra, cecília viseu, floriano aires, ana paula mota, marina ravara, ascensão
A multidisciplinary team collaborated on the development of a learning experience involving 10th grade students using a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) approach. The experience was based on the development (conception, implementation, and evaluation) of a science cartoon that aimed to highlight different scientific a...
Castañeda Zumeta, Aitor
Enbata is the first Basque-nationalist French journal, born in Bayonne (1960) as the magazine of the homonym political party, dissolved in 1974. After a year of silence, the magazine was relaunched. This article analyses the cartoons published in Enbata from 1960 until one year after its interdiction. Using a quantitative analytical method, we stud...
Héois, Aurélie Lafiandra, Bérengère
International audience
Neri, Gabriele