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with carrera militar as keyword
Canciani, Leonardo
In this article, we study the military career of Benito Machado in the southern frontier of Buenos Aires between 1852 and 1872. He was a modest landowner and tenant, who from the command of the National Guard and the border army, managed to become an important mitrista leader in the countryside. He did not build his authority by being a career mili...
Aja Valle, Jaime Hernández Ascanio, José Rueda López, Ramón Navajas Romero, Virginia
The aim of the research is to analyse the motivations and incentives that influence young people's attraction to a military career. The General Incentive Model (GIM) is used. The methodology is based on the analysis of data from the twelve surveys on national defence and the armed forces/military carried out in Spain by the Centro de Investigacione...
García de Paredes Ucero, Carlos
La mentoría es una relación entre dos personas, en la cual una con mayor experiencia y conocimientos enseña y modela a otra que anhela progresar personal y profesionalmente. El presente estudio realiza una extensa revisión bibliográfica de cómo esta técnica ha sido utilizada por algunas organizaciones y fuerzas armadas para potenciar la trayectoria...