krecht, rudolf ballagi, áron
One of the most significant challenges in sustainable autonomous mobile robot and vehicle development is the perception of stochastic environments. Various environmental perception methods have been proposed to address these challenges; however, these methods often lack general applicability. Many of these methods rely on environmental feature extr...
Krbec, Brooke A. Zhang, Xiang Chityat, Inbar Brady-Mine, Alexandria Linton, Evan Copeland, Daniel Anthony, Brian W. Edelman, Elazer R. Davis, Jonathan M.
Published in
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Continuous monitoring of high-risk neonates is essential for the timely management of medical conditions. However, the current reliance on wearable or contact sensor technologies for vital sign monitoring often leads to complications including discomfort, skin damage, and infections which can impede medical management, nursing care, and parental bo...
montalván, saúl arcos, pablo sarzosa, pablo rocha, richard alejandro yoo, sang guun kim, youbean
This article presents a systematic literature review of technologies and solutions for cattle tracking and monitoring based on a comprehensive analysis of scientific articles published since 2017. The main objective of this review is to identify the current state of the art and the trends in this field, as well as to provide a guide for selecting t...
que, shuhao cramer, iris dekker, lukas overeem, sebastiaan bouwman, arthur zinger, svitlana stuijk, sander van meulen, fokke
Objective: Contactless monitoring of instantaneous heart rate and respiration rate has a significant clinical relevance. This work aims to use Speckle Vibrometry (i.e., based on the secondary laser speckle effect) to contactlessly measure these two vital signs in an intensive care unit. Methods: In this work, we propose an algorithm for the estimat...
sharma, sachin meyer, richard t. asher, zachary d.
Current state-of-the-art (SOTA) LiDAR-only detectors perform well for 3D object detection tasks, but point cloud data are typically sparse and lacks semantic information. Detailed semantic information obtained from camera images can be added with existing LiDAR-based detectors to create a robust 3D detection pipeline. With two different data types,...
winter, jakub nowak, robert
Fusing data from many sources helps to achieve improved analysis and results. In this work, we present a new algorithm to fuse data from multiple cameras with data from multiple lidars. This algorithm was developed to increase the sensitivity and specificity of autonomous vehicle perception systems, where the most accurate sensors measuring the veh...
Fancello, Virginia Bianchini, Chiara Iannella, Giannicola Cammaroto, Giovanni Meccariello, Giuseppe Pelucchi, Stefano Ciorba, Andrea
Published in
Ear, nose, & throat journal
jeong, jaeho yoomin, ha kwack, yurina
Selecting uniform and healthy seedlings is important to ensure that a certain level of production can be reliably achieved in a plant factory. The objectives of this study were to investigate the potential of non-destructive image analysis for predicting the leaf area and shoot fresh weight of lettuce and to determine the feasibility of using a sim...
Gradišnik, Miha
Pri fotogrametriji je ključnega pomena skupek kvalitetnih slik testnega predmeta, s pomočjo katerih lahko rekonstruiramo model. Zajemanje slik v praksi večinoma poteka ročno in vzame veliko časa. Prav tako je z ročnim zajemom težko doseči dobro ponovljivost. Magistrska naloga obravnava razvoj mehatronskega sistema za avtomatsko zajemanje slik manjš...
Kobal, Vid
Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na raziskovanje in analizo dronov s prvoosebnim pogledom. Cilj naloge je preučiti različne tehnične vidike dronov s prvoosebnim pogledom in testirati delovanje prvoosebnega digitalnega sistema v različnih pogojih. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo navedli kratek pregled zgodovine in razvoja tehnologij kvadrokopterjev in p...