Abou Khalil, Jacques Jiménez Navarro, César El Jeaid, Rami Marouf, Abderahmane El Akoury, Rajaa Hoarau, Yannick Rouchon, Jean-François Braza, Marianna
This article investigates the aerodynamic performance increase of an Airbus A320 morphing aerofoil, having a chord of 70cm at Mach number 0.78 corresponding to cruise conditions and Reynolds number of 4.5 × 106. The morphing concepts involved vibration and slight deformation of the trailing edge region as well as actuation through travelling waves ...
Wilson, Ted DeVaan, Lauren S. LaCasse, Michelle E. Gile, Elizabeth M. Weis, Mackenzie J. Ahmann, Molly D. Schnellman, Gabrielle I. Lenz, Mason T. Hooks, Tisha L.
Published in
Journal of Medicinal Food
Freshman-15 is a phenomenon of first-year university students resulting in weight gain partly due to new cafeteria eating patterns and stress. This study determined if a premeal walnut snack alters planned eating behavior and mealtime nutrient intake during a subsequent buffet-model meal. Healthy university students ( n = 36; 18.1 ± 0.5 years; body...
novotná, barbora
Předmětem bakalářské práce je návrh proměny Letenského náměstí. Projekt si klade za cíl obnovit fungování Letenského náměstí jako místa setkávání. Návrh se věnuje budově tržnice, která by měla vzniknout místo obchodního domu Billa, a také samotnému prostoru náměstí, které zachází až do parteru tržnice. / The subject of this bachelor's thesis is a d...
Feldhusen-Hoffmann, Antje
The transonic flow around supercritical airfoils is characterized by complex shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions including large-scale self-sustained periodic shock wave oscillations, so-called buffet, which appear at high Mach numbers or incidence angles. The mechanisms behind the buffet phenomenon are not yet fully understood. Since the onset ...
Abarca, Ramon Aquilini, Carlo Lubrina, Pascal Peng, Shia Hui Schwochow, Jan
Main landing gear doors cover the landing gear bays, keeping the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft during flight. They are open for the deployment and the retraction of the landing gears in the approach phase before landing and after takeoff , respectively. During these phases, the nose landing gear creates flow separations, characterised by turbul...
Payanda, Qais (author)
A combined PIV and Schlieren measurements have been carried out in the transonic-supersonic wind tunnel (TST-27) to investigate the effect of exhaust plume and the variation in nozzle length on the flow topology and mean pressure distribution on the wake of axisymmetric backward facing step model at freestream Mach numbers of 0.76 and 2.20, respect...
Solana Perez, Roberto (author)
This thesis presents an experimental study of the unsteady phenomenon known as transonic buffet. Completely developed in the High Speed Lab of the Aerospace Faculty at TU Delft (The Netherlands), the experiments were conducted in the transonic/supersonic wind tunnel TST-27. In order to achieve time and spatial resolution of the phenomenon, high-spe...
Rambourg, Patrick
L'inauguration du canal de Suez a donné lieu à un grand souper le 18 novembre 1869 où furent convié nombre de personnalités de l'époque : Eugénie, l'impératrice des Français, François-Joseph 1er, empereur d'Autriche et roi de Hongrie et de Bohême, Frédéric-Guillaume, prince royal de Prusse, etc. Le menu, parvenu jusqu'à nous, renseigne sur les plat...
Ludwigová, Iva
Import 26/02/2015 / Student: Bc. Iva Ludwigová Název diplomové práce: Územní studie regenerace území – kulturní zařízení Vyškov Počet stran: 75 Vedoucí diplomové práce: Ing. Jana Tichá Blahutová Cílem diplomové práce je vypracování územní studie, ve které se bude nacházet Kulturní zařízení pro potřeby města Vyškov, ale také obcí v blízkém okolí. Js...
Tian, Yun Liu, PeiQing Li, Zhi
Published in
Science China Technological Sciences
Based on the supercritical “wing1” which was released in the DPW-III conference, multi-objective optimization has been done to increase the lift-drag ratio at cruise condition and improve transonic buffet boundary and drag-rise performance. Hicks-Henne shape functions are used to represent the bump shape. In the design optimization to increase lift...