Jezequel, A. Delaby, Luc Finn, J.A. Mckay, Z.C. Horan, B.
As part of the management of intensive grazing, the focus on simple and productive forage systems has led to a limited range of plants being used in grazing swards supported by high levels of chemical fertilisers. This study investigated three different combinations of plant diversity and N fertiliser level (perennial ryegrass monoculture (PRG), 25...
Jančar, Tomaž
Drevesno-pašna raba je v svetu prevladujoča oblika kmetijsko-gozdarske rabe v Sloveniji pa je glede na naše danosti še premalo prisotna. Zatem, ko vzpostavimo vegetacijo primerno za to obliko rabe kmetijskega zemljišča, je potrebno preveriti tudi možnosti za agronomsko izboljšanje obstoječe travne ruše med in pod drevesnimi krošnjami. Na območju Pa...
Marchewka, Joanna Solka, Magdalena Sztandarski, Patryk Jaszczyk, Aneta Zdanowska-Sąsiadek, Żaneta Mastalerczuk, Grażyna Borawska-Jarmułowicz, Barbara Komorowska, Dorota Horbańczuk, Jarosław Olav
Published in
Animal Science Papers and Reports
The free-range system improves chicken’s welfare and enriches their diet. There is little information about influence of chickens on the sward quality. The aim of the study was to identify differences in the chemical and botanical composition of the pasture sward used by chickens and to assess if frequency of chicken exits outdoors is associated wi...
Chebli, Youssef Chentouf, Mouad Cabaraux, Jean-François El Otmani, Samira
peer reviewed / Forest rangelands are an important component of extensive goat production in the Mediterranean region. The aim of this study was to survey the floristic composition, lifespan, life forms, phytogeographic relationships, palatability degree, and forage availability of forest rangelands in Northern Morocco. To achieve this goal, a plan...
alatürk;, fırat
(1) Background: The effects of prickly burnet (Sarcopoterium spinosum) control measures (pulling out, burning and cutting) and grazing on the botanical composition, grazeable dry matter (GDM) yield and nutritional values of rangeland were investigated on Imbros Island (Turkey) in 2010–2013. (2) Methods: The rangeland was grazed by Imbros sheep duri...
Snider, Miriam A Mulakala, Bharath K Driemel, Ashley W Ziegler, Sara E Darby, Heather M Soder, Kathy J Brito, Andre F Greenwood, Sabrina L
Published in
Journal of Animal Science
Dual-flow continuous culture fermenters were used to evaluate the impacts of forage mixtures on ruminal fermentation. Diets (DM basis) contained 40% red clover combined with 1) 60% orchardgrass (OG); 2) 30% orchardgrass + 30% meadow fescue (MF); 3) 20% orchardgrass + 20% meadow fescue + 20% Kentucky bluegrass (KYBG); or 4) 15% orchardgrass + 15% me...
parrini;, silvia
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and closed spectroscopy methods have been applied to analyse the quality of forage and animal feed. However, grasslands are linked to variability factors (e.g., site, year, occurring species, etc.) which restrict the prediction capacity of the NIRS. The aim of this study is to test the Fourier transform NIRS applic...
Réjou-Méchain, Maxime Mortier, Frédéric Bastin, Jean-François Cornu, Guillaume Barbier, Nicolas Bayol, Nicolas Bénédet, Fabrice Bry, Xavier Dauby, Gilles Deblauwe, Vincent
Published in
Africa is forecasted to experience large and rapid climate change1 and population growth2 during the twenty-first century, which threatens the world's second largest rainforest. Protecting and sustainably managing these African forests requires an increased understanding of their compositional heterogeneity, the environmental drivers of forest comp...
Kert, Matevž
Mešana paša je bivanje dveh ali tudi več vrst živali med rastno dobo na istem kmetijskem zemljišču. Ta je lahko v aktivni rabi ali v opuščanju ter zaraščanju, kar je z vidika vodenja mešane paše še večji izziv. Pri tem se živali lahko pasejo ločeno, tako da je vsaka vrsta v svoji ogradi, čemur rečemo ločena mešana paša. Lahko tudi skupaj kot ena čr...
Kavčič, Robert