Spijker, Joop Elbersen, Wolter Vural Gursel, Iris Lerink, Bas
Hout uit het landschap wordt nu vooral voor energieproductie (elektriciteit en warmte) ingezet. Het is niet eenvoudig dit hout hoogwaardiger in te zetten onder meer door de relatief lage kwaliteit, de geringe uniformiteit en de geringe volumes. Dit rapport schetst een beeld van de huidige afzet van houtige biomassa uit landschap. Voorts wordt een c...
Sluijsmans, Jeroen Spijker, Joop
De groene sector (beheerders van bos-, natuur en groen) en beleidsmakers hebben behoefte aan een op wetenschappelijke feiten gebaseerde onderbouwing van het gebruik van biomassa (tak- en tophout) als duurzame grondstof voor energie. Er is een casus van recreatiebedrijf Leisurelands, die beoogt deze biomassa kleinschalig te converteren naar watersto...
Duku, C.
Given the high levels of food insecurity and the loss of vital ecosystem services associated with deforestation, countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) face a major dilemma. How can they produce enough food in a changing climate to feed an increasing population while protecting natural forests and woodlands that provide a wide array of ecosystem ser...
Bernardi, Rafael E.
Plant associations are determined by complex interactions with their environment depending on resource availability, landscape features, and periodic disturbances that shape the structure and functions of these communities. Forests, savannas and grasslands extend across the global land surface, contribute to planetary processes and provide ecosyste...
Dung, Nguyen Kim
To protect its natural heritage and biodiversity, Vietnam has established a system of ‘special use forest’ (SUFs) which is “the backbone of the national protected areas”. The ineffective management of SUFs based solely on the state leads to a decline in biodiversity and density of the forests. Recognizing this, collaborative or ‘co’-management for ...
van Delft, S.P.J. de Waal, R.W. Jansen, P.C. Bijlsma, R.J. Wegman, R.M.A.
Het Lieftinghsbroek in Oost-Groningen bestaat uit gevarieerd loofbos met enkele schraalgraslandjes in het dal van de Ruiten Aa. Het gebied is aangewezen voor Natura 2000 habitattypen bos en schraalland en is tevens bosreservaat. Om meer inzicht te krijgen in het effect van vernattingsmaatregelen in de directe omgeving van het gebied is een ecohydro...
Ochieng, Robert M.
Since the advent of professional forestry in the 17th century, forest monitoring has been part and parcel of forest management, and has been implemented in different forms in many European countries. The practice of forest monitoring was later exported to the European colonies, and has since been taken over and conducted by post-colonial government...
Oduro, K.A.
Deforestation and forest degradation in the tropics have been receiving both scientific and political attention in recent decades due to its impacts on the environment and on human livelihoods. In Ghana, the continuous decline of forest resources and the high demand for timber have raised stakeholders concerns about the future timber production pro...
Monteiro Flores, B.
The Amazon has recently been portrayed as a resilient forest system based on quick recovery of biomass after human disturbance. Yet with climate change, the frequency of droughts and wildfires may increase, implying that parts of this massive forest may shift into a savanna state. Although the Amazon basin seems quite homogeneous, 14% is seasonally...
Vijge, M.J.
Carbonizing forest governance: Analyzing the consequences of REDD+ for multilevel forest governance Marjanneke J. Vijge Despite the fifty years of global action to combat deforestation and forest degradation, the world is still losing its forests at great scale. A recent governance initiative that has raised high expectations to address global defo...