The bronze bug is an important pest of Eucalyptus trees. Originally restricted to Australia, it has become an important pest of Eucalyptus plantations, colonizing in 15 years the major production areas worldwide. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the factors affecting the oviposition behavior of the bronze bug within a multitrophic system c...
This is the first book to examine explicitly the non-timber goods and services provided by plantation forests, including soil, water and biodiversity conservation, as well as carbon sequestration and the provision of local livelihoods. The authors show that, if we require a higher provision of ecosystem goods and services from both temperate and tr...
This report provides an independent review that clarifies current confusion on carbon dioxide emissions resulting from oil palm cultivation on tropical peatlands in Malaysia, that was brought about by two recent publications. It describes the processes of carbon flow in forests, degraded forests and oil palm plantations on peat and depicts uncertai...
This report presents a “second” opinion of the drainage plan for the teak plantation Farm 70, in Costa Rica. The Dutch Foundation Terra Vitalis has requested this second opinion on the drainage plan prepared by the BARCA Company for Farm 70, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. This teak farm is located in the southwest region of Costa Rica, a region characteri...
Alterra heeft samen met de Kultuurgroep voor Bos- en Haagplantsoenkwekers, Staatsbosbeheer en het Bosschap een onderzoek opgezet waarbij de boomteelt van biologisch en niet-biologisch materiaal met elkaar vergeleken worden
Het proefproject van het tien hectare gebruiksklaar parkbos. De integrale beplantingsmethode is er op gericht om met minimale ingrepen het wensbeeld binnen enkele jaren na de aanleg te realiseren