Oduro, K.A.
Deforestation and forest degradation in the tropics have been receiving both scientific and political attention in recent decades due to its impacts on the environment and on human livelihoods. In Ghana, the continuous decline of forest resources and the high demand for timber have raised stakeholders concerns about the future timber production pro...
de Vries, S.M.G. Kopinga, J.
Voor de bosbouwers die wat willen gaan doen met inheemse iepenhout, is het assortiment met autochtone herkomst toegenomen. Van de fladderiep stond in de 7e Rassenlijst (2002) tot voor kort slechts één opstand vermeld, maar daar is nu een opstand in Twente bijgekomen: Denekamp-01, NL.SI. De opstand laat zien dat in Nederland niet alleen kl...
Kelleher, Colin T. de Vries, S.M.G. Baliuckas, Virgilijus
In Europe, forests have been expanding in terms of area and timber stock over the past 50 years and subsequently they have acted as a carbon sink while they have been recovering from previous eras of deforestation. National adaptation strategies to climate change and other policies have been formulated in many European countries to harness the pote...
Klaver, D.C. Nugroho, K. Smidt, H. Larastiti, C.
This report describes the results of the end line assessment of Non Timber Forest Product-Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP) that is a partner of IUCN and a part of the Ecosystem Alliance. It assesses NTFP-EP’s contributions towards strengthening Civil Society in Indonesia using the CIVICUS analytical framework. It is a follow-up of a baseline study cond...
de Vries, S.M.G. Hubert, J.
This video reflects some achievements of the pan-European collaboration on forest genetic resources since 1994. Two National Coordinators of EUFORGEN, Sven de Vries (Netherlands) and Jason Hubert (United Kingdom) share their experiences and explain why EUFORGEN is needed.
Cocks, M.L.
An 'inextricable link' between biological and cultural diversity has been identified and the term bio-cultural diversity has been introduced as a concept denoting the link. Studies on bio-cultural diversity are largely focused on remote and isolated communities with the modes and relations of indigenous production systems being typically subsistenc...
Schelhaas, M.J. van Brusselen, J. Pussinen, A. Pesonen, E. Schuck, A. Nabuurs, G.J. Sasse, V.
This Outlook for the Development of European Forest Resources provides the methodologies, data, scenarios, and results of the outlook on the European forest resources from 2000 to 2040. The aim of this forest resource study was to analyse the impacts on the European forest resources under the level of fellings needed to fulfil the derived roundwood...
Nabanoga, G.
All over the world, professional foresters and scientists concerned with resource conservation have supposed that forest management is dependent on the establishment of legal boundaries based upon a strong notion of property (especially State and private) that define ‘bundles of rights’ or prohibitions for forest resource use. Local forest users, o...
Yasmi, Y. Anshari, Gusti Z. Alqadrie, S. Budiarto, T. Abidin, E. Komarudin, H. McGrath, S.
The study attempted to understand the dynamics and complexities of forest resources management following decentralization, the interactions among stakeholders in forest resources management, and the impacts of the new legislation on local community livelihoods in Sintang District, West Kalimantan. Forestry policies implemented in the district befor...
Nabanoga, G.
Forest resource access is often conceptualized as a `bundle of rights` held by different social groups at different times. In Uganda, similar to other parts of the world, professional foresters and scientists concerned with resource conservation have conceived of forests mainly in terms of access rights that are formalized through legal boundaries ...