hong, xu danyang, li jiang, xue pei, qi zhengqin, li madjirebaye, philippe xie, mingyong xiong, tao liu, zhanggen
Considering the four characteristics of strains, including acid production, acid tolerance, salt tolerance, and nitrite degradation rate, Pediococcus pentosaceus NCU006063 was selected as the fermentation agent, and the medium composition of Pediococcus pentosaceus NCU006063 was optimized using Plackett–Burman and central composite rotational desig...
souza dias, olívia bibiana borgo, lucélia da silva, deivisson ferreira souza, alisson de carli tezotto, tiago vangronsveld, jaco guimarães guilherme, luiz roberto silveira rabêlo, flávio henrique
Investigating the ability of non-hyperaccumulator plants to grow in soils polluted by cadmium (Cd) and their potential for phytostabilization or phytoextraction is essential for assessing their use in phytomanagement efficiency. Therefore, we evaluated the tolerance of high-biomass grasses to Cd by measuring biomass production and element accumulat...
Roy, Stéphanie Nozais, Christian Johnson, Ladd E Noisette, Fanny
Published in
Journal of phycology
Kelp forests are known to be very productive ecosystems and constitute a central component of the marine carbon cycle in coastal areas. Nevertheless, crucial carbon-related data are missing to be able to include them properly in carbon budgets. A thorough understanding of the kelp contribution to the carbon cycle is especially important in regions ...
lopes gomes, gabriel soares winckler caldeira, marcos vinicius gomes, robert rodrigues duarte, victor braga momolli, dione richer tannure faria, júlio cézar godinho, tiago de oliveira trazzi, paulo andré sobrinho, laio silva de oliveira neto, silvio nolasco
Wood from reforestation gains market value due to its sustainable and legal origin. Planted forests in Brazil play a crucial role in economic, social and environmental aspects, with Eucalyptus and Pinus dominating the timber sector. However, non-majority species, such as those of the Khaya genus, have attracted great commercial interest due to the ...
Tu, Min Hua, Yuqing Shao, Ti Zhang, Siyu Xiang, Zihan Yu, Manting Wang, Guoli Li, Zhuang He, Yun Yang, Lin
Published in
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
Ethylene-insensitive 3/Ethylene-insensitive3-like proteins (EIN3/EIL) represent a group of transcription factors critical for the ethylene signaling transduction that manipulate downstream ethylene-responsive genes, thereby regulating plant growth, development, and stress responses. However, the identification, evolution, and divergence of the EIL ...
N'Goran, Ange-Jokébed Adjoua Ndiaye, Ousmane Diatta, Ousmane Ngom, Daouda Diatta, Sékouna Fassinou, Cofélas Bonnal, Laurent Bastianelli, Denis Salgado, Paulo Taugourdeau, Simon
Le climat et la fauche influencent la production fourragère au Sahel. Cependant, l’effet combiné de ces paramètres reste à évaluer. Cette étude vise à évaluer l’effet conjoint de la pluviométrie et des pratiques de fauche sur la quantité et la qualité des fourrages. Des échantillons de phytomasse ont été prélevés au cours et à la fin de la saison d...
pyo, seonju byung-sun, yu han, kyudong
Recognized as the third-generation biomass of the future, microalgae are increasingly viewed as a promising solution for the sustainable production of biofuels, often referred to as “green gold.” Extensive research is being conducted across the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors to develop fundamental technologies that enable efficient and...
kangping, wu lai, jiangling zhang, qi wang, yunpu cui, xian liu, yuhuan xiaodan, wu zhigang, yu ruan, roger
Lutein is widely used in medicine, health care, and food processing due to its antioxidant effects; however, it is difficult for the traditional extraction of lutein using marigolds to meet the increasing market demand for lutein. To achieve high-efficiency lutein production, we investigated the effects of different conditions on the biomass accumu...
hajri, amira k. alsharif, ifat albalawi, marzough a. alshareef, shareefa a. albalawi, raghad k. jamoussi, bassem
This study explores the novel use of mixed cultures of microalgae—Spirulina platensis, Micractinium, and Chlorella—for nutrient removal from dairy wastewater (DW). Microalgae were isolated from a local wastewater treatment plant and cultivated under various light conditions. The results showed significant biomass production, with mixed cultures ach...
satiro, josivaldo dos santos neto, antonio g. marinho, talita sales, marcos marinho, idayana kato, mário t. simões, rogério albuquerque, antonio florencio, lourdinha
The optimization of wastewater treatment technologies using biological processes is no longer limited to improving the removal of organic matter and nutrients, as it is possible to reduce area and energy consumption, and recover value-added by-products. In this context, the microalgae–bacteria consortium is an alternative for reducing costs, as mic...