Luo, Deng Alsuwaykit, Zainab Khan, Dawar Strnad, Ondřej Isenberg, Tobias Viola, Ivan
We introduce DiffFit, a differentiable algorithm for fitting protein atomistic structures into an experimental reconstructed Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) volume map. In structural biology, this process is necessary to semi-automatically composite large mesoscale models of complex protein assemblies and complete cellular structures that are ba...
stougiannou, theodora m. christodoulou, konstantinos c. karangelis, dimos
Cardiovascular disease comprises a group of disorders affecting or originating within tissues and organs of the cardiovascular system; most, if not all, will eventually result in cardiomyocyte dysfunction or death, negatively impacting cardiac function. Effective models of cardiac disease are thus important for understanding crucial aspects of dise...
curtis, john w. haines, ashley n. barekzi, nazir
Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) have been widely hailed as an innovative approach to engage students in college coursework through exposure to authentic research, leading to improved persistence and more equitable access to research opportunities. This article presents an analysis of the impact of implementing a novel type o...
duarte, milena calsavara, luís augusto auad, alexander machado
The spittlebug Mahanarva spectabilis (Distant, 1909) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) is an important pest that causes significant losses in the production of forage crops for cattle feed. Information on the thermal requirements of this insect during the egg stage is crucial in assessing the interaction between insects and forage. The aim of this research w...
Young, Niki Lanfranco, Sandro
Published in
Open Philosophy
In recent years, a vast array of thinkers have been invested in challenging the long-standing binary division between the human and nonhuman. The notion of the human microbiome especially attests to the truth of such a complication, since current research in biology strongly suggests that we are at the very least as much microbe as we are human and...
cortinhas, lucas barbosa mendonça, paloma martins perrut, eliane gomes barbosa, rodrigo rocha dos santos-mallet, jacenir reis de carvalho queiroz, margareth maria
Helicobia aurescens is a flesh fly associated with pig and rat carcasses. This study aims to describe the life cycle at two temperatures (27 ± 1 °C and 29 ± 1 °C) and analyze the morphological characteristics of the eggs, larvae, and puparia of H. aurescens using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Temperature is an abiotic factor that greatly infl...
Černý, Miloš Roháček, Jindřich
Published in
Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales
A total of 327 species of Agromyzidae has been recorded from the Gemer area and for 245 of these species new data are given. Altogether 89 species are ascertained to occur in the Gemer area for the first time. Of this number, 35 species are new additions to the fauna of Slovakia, viz. Agromyza filipendulae Spencer, 1976, A. myosotidis Kaltenbach, 1...
Stanovšek, Katja
Zaradi vedno večjega izkoriščanja narave in vedno bolj pereče okoljske problematike smo v magistrski nalogi raziskali stališča, vedenje in znanje splošne javnosti v Sloveniji o okoljski problematiki. Raziskali smo tudi obseg vsebine, povezane z okoljsko problematiko v učnih načrtih, torej splošne in operativne cilje v osnovnih šolah in gimnazijah. ...
Krenker, Liza
Biološko znanje pomembno vpliva na številne osebne in družbene odločitve. Namen biološkega izobraževanja v splošni gimnaziji je razumevanje temeljnih bioloških konceptov, uspeh izobraževanja pa je v veliki meri odvisen od značilnosti pouka. Da bi pridobili vpogled v dogajanje pri pouku biologije smo izvedli kvalitativno analizo vsebine, ki je kljub...
Lui, Julian C. Palmer, Amanda C. Christian, Parul
Linear growth during three distinct stages of life determines attained stature in adulthood: namely, in utero, early postnatal life, and puberty and the adolescent period. Individual host factors, genetics, and the environment, including nutrition, influence attained human stature. Each period of physical growth has its specific biological and envi...