Abdellatif, N. Daoud, Y. Fekih Salem, R. Sari, T. Lobry, C. Harmand, J.
In this symposium, we present mathematical analyses of models related to the growth and coexistence of species of micro-organisms in the chemostat. These works were carried out within the TREASURE network. The symposium consists in 4 presentations : Anaerobic digestion (by N. Abdellatif), Synthrophic relationship in the chemostat (by Y. Daoud), Int...
Fekih Salem, R. Lobry, C. Sari, T.
This paper deals with a two-microbial species model in competition for a single-resource in the chemostat including general intra- and interspecific density-dependent growth rates with distinct removal rates for each species. In order to understand the effects of intra- and interspecific interference, this general model is studied by determining th...
Ulrich, W. Jabot, F. Gotelli, N.J.
Non-random patterns of species segregation and aggregation within ecological communities are often interpreted as evidence for interspecific interactions. However, it is unclear whether theoretical models can predict such patterns and how environmental factors may modify the effects of species interactions on species co-occurrence. Here we extend a...
Bourdier, Thomas Cordonnier, Thomas Kunstler, Georges Piedallu, Christian Lagarrigues, Guillaume Courbaud, Benoit
Published in
PloS one
Plant structural diversity is usually considered as beneficial for ecosystem functioning. For instance, numerous studies have reported positive species diversity-productivity relationships in plant communities. However, other aspects of structural diversity such as individual size inequality have been far less investigated. In forests, tree size in...
Fernandez, C. Monnier, Y. Santonja, M. Gallet, C. Weston, L.A. Prévosto, B. Saunier, A. Baldy, V. Bousquet-Mélou, A.
In contrast to plant-animal interactions, the conceptual framework regarding the impact of secondary metabolites in mediating plant-plant interference is currently less well defined. Here, we address hypotheses about the role of chemically-mediated plant-plant interference (i.e., allelopathy) as a driver of Mediterranean forest dynamics. Growth and...
Kleijn, D. van der Hout, J.J. Jansman, H.A.H. van Kats, R.J.M. Knecht, E. Lammertsma, D.R. Muskens, G.J.D.M. Melman, T.C.P.
Dit tussenrapport beschrijft een deel van de werkzaamheden die in het kader van het onderzoeksproject ‘Populatiebeheer overzomerende (grauwe) ganzen’ (BO-02-013-005) in 2009 en 2010 hebben plaatsgevonden. Het aantal ganzen dat in Nederland broedt neemt de laatste decennia spectaculair toe. Onder natuurbeschermers is ongerustheid ontstaan dat ganzen...
Netten, J.J.C.
This research was about the asymmetric competition between free-floating and submerged macrophytes in shallow freshwater ecosystems. I studied the effect of climate change on the dominance of free-floating macrophytes in temperate regions. The research approach was a combination of outdoor mesocosm experiments, a laboratory experiment, a database a...
Raats, K. Cornelissen, B. Sondeijker, J.
In de zeventiende eeuw stond voor bijenhouders het advies al op schrift: ‘breng uw bijen niet naar lindes!’ Maar nog altijd zien boombeheerders ieder jaar het verschijnsel dat met name hommels massaal de dood vinden onder de lindeboom.
van der Waal, C.
In savannas, trees and grasses co-exist and share resources such as water and nutrients. The ratio between the tree and grass components (i.e., vegetation structure) importantly controls productivity, animal assemblages and earth-atmosphere feedbacks. As the structure of savanna vegetation is inherently unstable and easily disturbed, finding out ho...
Georgievska, L.
Mixed infections of baculoviruses in insect hosts are quite common in nature. This leads to ‘within-host’ and ‘between-host’ competition between virus variants. Because both levels of selection will contribute to overall biological fitness, both must be included in assessments of the fitness of fast-acting recombinant baculoviruses. We investigated...