Brännberger, Johan
Introduction: The purpose of this master´s thesis is to investigate how libraries in Stockholm and Uppsala counties are affected by being located in socially disadvantaged areas, as well as to examine how libraries can contribute to positive social development in these socially disadvantaged areas. Method: This Study is based on a qualitative web-...
Pyka, Aleksandra
This master's thesis investigates the impact of a predominantly female and homogeneous workforce within Linnaeus University Library on students’ perceptions and usage patterns. Through a mixed-methods approach, including a questionnaire survey administered via Google Forms, the study explores students’ perspectives on librarians at Linnaeus Univers...
Forsbacka, Felicia
This thesis investigates the health-promoting reading practices in reading groups from a librarian’s perspective. The thesis also investigates the conditions and challenges with health-promoting reading practices as well as cooperation between different professions. Throughout the thesis it is also examined what possible effect the reading groups c...
Rabe, Anna-Karin
Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify how libraries and professional scientists can collaborate to enable citizen science, and what value libraries generate by taking part. The study also sets out to develop a framework that can be applied when designing and analyzing such collaboration. Method: A qualitative and interpretative case ...
Kjellberg, Sara Castoriano, Martine
Denna undersökning utforskar den fysiska bokens betydelse för utformningen av biblioteksrum i en tid präglad av digitalisering. Samtidigt som digitala resurser blir alltmer centrala, kvarstår ett intresse för boken som fysiskt objekt, både som del av interiören och i samtal om bibliotekens roll. Vad händer med biblioteksrummets funktion och identit...
Weman, Sarah
The Swedish library institution of KvinnSam, has since its founding in 1958, had a pivotal role in establishment and advancement of research in gender studies. Since the establishment, the primary role and aim of said institution has been to promote research of women’s history. However, throughout the years, the functions to fulfil the role have ch...
Karestål, Wilma
This is a bachelor thesis in Information design with a focus on Spatial design where the purpose is to investigate a library's relationship to the outside public space. Furthermore, it examines how the connection between these places can be clarified by finding out which elements that characterizes a library, to get an understanding of the library’...
Kristherzon, Sophia Nilsson, Johannes
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka vilka arbetssätt lärare upplever bidrar till att elever känner motivation till läsning av skönlitteratur samt att ta reda på vilka utmaningar lärare står inför i det arbetet. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio informanter. Den tidigare forskningen som lig...
Eriksson, Ellen Holm, Clara
In this paper, we look at the role of the library and the librarian within fantasy literature for children by doing a thematic analysis and using Michael Gorman’s (2015) eight common principles of librarianship as a theoretical framework. These principles are; stewardship, service, intellectual freedom, rationalism, literacy and learning, equity of...
Alatalo, Tarja
Artikeln: Barn och unga behöver stöd för att komma in i de läsandes gemenskap Artikeln lyfter vikten av högläsning för de yngsta barnen och betydelsen av ett läsfrämjande arbete genom hela skolgången. Den handlar också om samverkan mellan hem, förskola, skola och bibliotek för att utveckla barns läsförmåga och uppmuntra ett läsintresse. Artikeln är...