zadji, lionel yaya, mohamed chabi, nadia agbede, rufin dossou djaouga, nehal
La présente étude est une première contribution à la connaissance de l’entomofaune liée à la culture de la patate douce au Bénin. L’étude a été conduite entre août et octobre 2021. Afin d’obtenir une large diversité de l’entomofaune, les techniques du filet fauchoir, du piégeage et de l’observation directe ont été combinées. L’échantillonnage a été...
Vitouley, Armel Hounsokou, Christophe G Kouchadé, Clément A Hounguè, Guy Hervé N’Gobi, Gabin Koto Adounkpè, Julien Kounouhéwa, Basile
Published in
Environmental Research Communications
The local variety tomato (Lycopercicum esculentum Mill) named ‘akikon’ is one of the most consumed and widely cultivated fruiting vegetables in Benin Republic. In this work, we designed and built a dryer usable for limiting the frequent losses of the massive produced tomatoes. This paper analyzes the first results, obtained from the different exper...
Magbondé, K.G. Mignouna, Djana Manyong, Victor Adeoti, R. Sossou, A.O.
Open Access Journal / The agribusiness sector development is often portrayed as an essential component of economic development. Though Benin is a country with inestimable agricultural potential, the agribusiness sector appears unappealing to the local youths. Prior investigations diagnosed the impeding factors as a paucity of financial resource and...
Thoto, F.S. Mignouna, Djana Adeoti, R. Gbedomon, R.C. Chogou, S.K. Aoudji, A. Honfoga, B.
Despite the potential of agriculture to reduce unemployment in sub-Saharan Africa, research on agricultural entrepreneurship is scarce, especially regarding the entrepreneurs’ motivations. The aim of this research is to examine the intensity of necessity and opportunity motivations among agricultural entrepreneurs and the influence of socioeconomic...
Quenum, Z.N.J. Kumar, P. Lava Akoroda, M.O. Dansi, A. Vetukuri, R.R. Bhattacharjee, Ranjana
Open Access Article / Taro (Colocasia esculenta) is a widely grown vegetatively propagated food crop in the Benin Republic. The taro leaf blight (TLB) epidemic in 2009, caused by Phytophthora colocasiae, has destroyed taro production and wiped out many taro landraces in West Africa. A survey was conducted in the southern region of Benin to assess t...
Azandeme-Hounmalon, G.Y. Sikirou, R. Onzo, A. Fiaboe, K. Tamo, M. Kreiter, S. Martin, T.
This study was carried out 7 years after a first one conducted in 2013 as part of the policy of the Benin government to promote the vegetable production sector. Data collection was mostly based on a countrywide survey conducted in 25 municipalities throughout Benin, from August to December 2020. Farmers were selected based on their experience in cu...
Rosaire, A. Abdoulaye, Tahirou Bernard, F.
La culture d’igname, très exigeante en fertilité du sol, est de plus en plus confronté à la raréfaction des terres fertiles au Bénin. La présente étude analyse l’influence des politiques et pratiques foncières sur l’engagement des jeunes dans la production de l’igname en République du Bénin. Les données sont collectées à l’aide de questionnaires ad...
t., fidèle
Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an approach that identifies actions needed to transform and reorganize agricultural systems to effectively support agricultural development and ensure food security in the face of climate change. In this study, we assessed farmers’ perception of climate change, available CSA practices (CSAP) and the determinants o...
Senou, M.M. Manda, J.
Rural entrepreneurship is an important employment generation intervention for the fast-growing young labour force in developing countries. Many bottlenecks including access to finance impede rural youths from performing in their new ventures. This paper examines the impact of access to finance on rural youths' entrepreneurship in Benin using data f...
teteli, clément soloum padonou, elie antoine akakpo, bokon alexis
La commune de Ouaké fait partie de la zone soudanienne du Bénin où l’on assiste à une dégradation avancée des sols. Dans le but de contribuer à la restauration de ces sols, les pratiques anti-érosives de conservation des sols (PACS) ont été évaluées dans cette commune. Des enquêtes et collectes des données ont été menées à partir des entretiens ind...