nenciu, magda niță, victor teacă, adrian popa, adrian begun, tatiana
The North-Western Black Sea shelf is extremely vulnerable to disturbances of its habitats and ecosystems. In the past 10 years, this area has become targeted by beam trawl fisheries for the invasive gastropod Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846), with a potentially destructive impact on the area’s soft bottoms. Not many studies have been performed in...
Poos, Jan Jaap Hintzen, Niels T. Van Rijssel, Jacco C. Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.
Although fishing with electricity is illegal in the European Union, a number of temporary licences allowed converting beam trawlers to pulse trawling. To analyse how the adaption of pulse trawling changed this fishery, we studied fishing speeds and landings per unit effort as proxies for catch efficiencies for the main target species. Compared to c...
Tiano, Justin Bergman, Magda J. N. Witbaard, Rob van Rijswijk, Pieter Tramper, Anton van Oevelen, Dick Soetaert, Karline
Research on the environmental impacts of bottom fishing gears has focused mainly on structural characteristics of benthic habitats such as faunal composition and the physical features of the seafloor. This study focuses more on functional characteristics by addressing the biogeochemical consequences associated with tickler chain beam trawl and elec...
Hintzen, Niels T. Aarts, Geert Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D.
High-resolution vessel monitoring (VMS) data have led to detailed estimates of the distribution of fishing in both time and space. While several studies have documented large-scale changes in fishing distribution, fine-scale patterns are still poorly documented, despite VMS data allowing for such analyses. We apply a methodology that can explain an...
van Hal, R. Machiels, M.A.M.
This report presents the results of the cod monitoring program 2016. The research was commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs within the EZ-program Beleidsondersteunend Onderzoek. Cod catches of the vessels in the fleet segments BT2 (beam trawl and pulse trawl) and TR (otter trawls and seines) need to be monitored yearly, due to the ...
Tulp, I. van Hal, R. van Damme, C.J.G. Smith, S.R.
De zeebaarspopulatie neemt sinds 2010 sterk af door een hoge visserij-inspanning en een lage aanwas van jonge zeebaars sinds 2008. Zeebaars is een langlevende soort die zich pas op latere leeftijd gaat voortplanten. Op een leeftijd van ca 4 jaar en met een lengte vanaf ca 42 cm (vrouwtjes) en 32 cm (mannetjes) beginnen ze paairijp te worden. De hui...
van Marlen, B. Molenaar, P. Bol, R.A. Dammers, M. Groeneveld, K. Machiels, M.A.M. den Heijer, W.M.
Als reactie op de aanlandplicht heeft de kottersector via de Coöperatieve Visserij Organisatie (CVO) het initiatief opgepakt om de selectiviteit van de vistuigen te verhogen om zo weinig mogelijk discards te vangen en aan te landen. Na een ontwerpfase met modelonderzoek in de flume tank van SINTEF te Hirtshals, Denemarken, en met ervaringen uit eer...
Machiels, M.A.M.
Dit rapport is geschreven in opdracht van VisNed. IMARES is gevraagd om waardekaarten en tabellen te leveren van alle bodem beroerende Nederlandse visserijschepen binnen het gebied Sylter Außenriff.
Machiels, M.A.M.
Within this study, we quantify the fishing intensity that is allocated at the various sediment- and energy habitats type areas found in the North Sea by selected Dutch bottom fishing vessels. For 2010 traditional beam trawlers and for 2014 pulse trawlers are selected. Trawling frequency, as a measure of impact, equals the surface area covered by th...
van Denderen, P.D.
cum laude graduation