cardoso, antónio pereira, manuel sousa silva, amândio souza, andré oliveira, isabel figueiredo, jorge
The consumer profile has undergone evolutions and transformations over the years due to the evolution of new generations of individuals, such as Generation Y. Social media has revolutionized the way in which consumers can search and find information about products in general, which has impacted how brands relate to their consumers. In this context,...
fellype, igor coutinho de melo, fagner josé miranda sobral, eryka fernanda leal barbosa, aline amaral de medeiros, denise dumke aurélio, pablo amorim, bartira pereira
The main aim of this paper is to analyze, through the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) methodology, the contextual relationships between the systematization of benefits influenced by Industry 4.0 technologies in the banking services sector from the perspective of Sustainability 4.0. The proposed ISM approach was structured based on 14 benefit...
bolibok, piotr m.
The ambiguous evidence regarding the linkages between firm size and ESG risk in the relevant literature justifies the need for their further scientific investigation. A particularly interesting context for this task is offered by the banking industry, where financial institutions face both strong incentives to expand the scale of their activities a...
Romero Araujo, Axcel Aguilar Gálvez, William
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo explorar en detalle la relación entre la percepción del consumidor, su intención de compra y la lealtad hacia los servicios bancarios. A través de un análisis exhaustivo de datos y evidencia empírica, se pretende arrojar luz sobre cómo las percepciones individuales influyen en las decisiones de compra y en la ...
Pospíšil, David
Využití bankovních produktů a služeb představuje klíčový prvek pro finanční stabilitu a správu osobních financí domácností. Cílem bakalářské práce je poskytnout přehled hlavních bankovních produktů a služeb z pohledu českých domácností. Práce obsahuje celkem pět kapitol. Zahrnují charakteristiku bankovního trhu v České republice, popis vybraných ba...
Rybacka, Justyna
Currently, banks offer a wide range of products and services that are available by Internet particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation has contributed to changes in consumer behaviour and preferences. This applies to the banking sector and banking services.The article presents the result of the empirical study. The conducted research ...
Koohang, A. Nord, J.H. Ooi, K.-B. Tan, G.W.-H. Al-Emran, M. Aw, E.C.-X. Baabdullah, A.M. Buhalis, D. Cham, T.-H. Dennis, C.
The term metaverse is described as the next iteration of the Internet. Metaverse is a virtual platform that uses extended reality technologies, i.e. augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, 3D graphics, and other emerging technologies to allow real-time interactions and experiences in ways that are not possible in the physical world. Comp...
grabowski, michał
The purpose of this paper is to present the two existing virtual account models functioning in the European Union, examine their legal validity and identify the legal challenges related to the functioning of these models. The first model, Mass Payment Accounts, which is related to virtual accounts rather than to virtual IBANs, is the model where th...
Moraru, Andreea-Daniela Duhnea, Cristina Mieilă, Mihai Ghiță-Mitrescu, Silvia Ilie, Margareta Necula, Anda Ileana
Lately, the global banking services industry has faced numerous challenges: the digitalization, increased competition, the instability of monetary and foreign exchange markets, and the volatility of exchange rates. However, at present, banks are facing the greatest challenge of all that is, placing the customers at the centre of business and the sy...
Rožič, Žanet
Za uspešno poslovanje bank na izjemno konkurenčnem trgu je najbolj pomembno zgraditi zaupanje in razumevanje komitentov, njihovih želja in zahtev. Dandanes so komitenti vedno bolj informirani, kar pomeni, da se na bančne storitve vedno bolj spoznajo. Posledično to pomeni, da so zahtevnejši, in s tem banke prisilijo, da se neprestano razvijajo in po...