Gunderson, Anabelle Natividad
Whipped Cream is a two Act ballet performed by the American Ballet Theatre, with choreography by Alexei Ratmansky and sets and costumes designed by pop-surrealist, Mark Ryden. The story follows the protagonist, The Boy, after he overindulges on whipped cream following his First Communion. As a result, he has a series of dreams that become progressi...
Coates, Wendy C Sims, Leroy
BackgroundAchilles tendinopathy can be a devastating condition in ballet dancers. Initial medical evaluation is frequently conducted by generalist physicians, who may lack the perspective of dance and sports medicine focused training and often prescribe complete rest for chronic overuse injuries. In order to provide targeted information about Achil...
d'Hérouville, Xavier Caulier, Aurore
In the Renaissance, to say that an Italian was "furbo" (tricker) was a compliment. In those daystrickery - like facetiousness and mischief - was the hallmark of great minds,gifted minds, we would say more specifically today. Leonardo da Vinci may be renowned for the excellence of his pictorial achievements, but the intelligence of his works seen th...
d'Hérouville, Xavier Caulier, Aurore
À la Renaissance, dire d'un italien qu'il est fourbe - « furbo » - est un compliment. À cette époque, en effet, les fourberies, à l'instar des facéties et des espiègleries, sont le propre des grands esprits, des esprits surdoués dirait-on plus spécifiquement aujourd'hui. Si Léonard de Vinci est connu pour l'excellence de ses réalisations picturales...
Harrison, Elinor C. Haussler, Allison M. Tueth, Lauren E. Baudendistel, Sidney T. Earhart, Gammon M.
Published in
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Introduction Dance is an effective and motivating form of exercise for older women, but few studies have quantified the benefits of virtual dance classes nor, specifically, ballet. This study tested the effectiveness of virtual ballet compared to virtual wellness classes, with the goal of reaching underserved populations. It is among the first to e...
Moore, Catherine Anne Emmerich, Nathan
Published in
Sociology of health & illness
Like other elite athletes, ballet dancers are highly dedicated to the pursuit of their vocation. They work to perfect their bodies, their movements and their expression of the art form. The lockdowns that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic represented a significant interruption to the extraordinary but everyday lives of ballet dancers, creating ...
Chapman, Emily
Dance scholars have long critiqued the idealization of perfection and abusive nature of authoritarian teaching methods in ballet education. This thesis adds to the critiques of traditional pedagogy by Robin Lakes, and explores avenues to move beyond authoritarian models towards a more empowering and supportive approach to teaching ballet in higher ...
Cetera-Włodarczyk, Anna Havlíčková Kysová, Šárka Kowalcze-Pawlik, Anna Mišterová, Ivona Reuss, Gabriella
This collectively authored position paper discusses “hybrid” Shakespeares in Central and Eastern Europe, focusing on productions that offer formal experimentation and transnational perspectives. While their contexts remain regional, they provide an insight into how Shakspeare has been mobilised regionally. The paper consists of four distinct parts,...
Simpkins, Caroline Yang, Feng
Published in
Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science
Introduction: It has been recognized that practicing ballet could strengthen the leg muscles, improve balance, and reduce fall risk. However, few studies have investigated how ballet practice alters a person's gait pattern, and this knowledge gap could present a barrier to designing ballet-based training programs. This study examined dynamic gait s...
Marinič-Žunič, Kleo
V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje baleta kot plesne vsebine pri interesni dejavnosti ples. Učenci na razredni stopnji poleg obveznega pouka obiskujejo tudi interesne dejavnosti, ki se izvajajo v času podaljšanega bivanja. Njihov namen je, da učenci koristno in praktično preživljajo prosti čas, hkrati pa razvijajo in odkrivajo l...